Page 8 - William Cape Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 8
Meet the Team, Brain Teaser & Diary
Brain Teaser
Test your brain! Spot the difference below:
Meet Debbie Duncan
My name is Debbie Duncan, previously Clinical Care Co‐
Ordinator, who has for the past couple of years been
caring for our residents at night ‐ this year in October I
will be celebrating my 40th year in nursing.
I am the proud mother of two sons, both young men now For the Diary
working in the IT Industry and my beautiful dog Sooty
whom some of you know as he likes to visit you all from
time to time. Date Event
When I’m not at work I enjoy watching movies, listening 2 June Cheese & Wine Festival
to music and pottering around in my garden – this gives 5 June Lambeth Concert
me lots of enjoyment on my days off. 11 June Resident & Relatives Meeting
I have been at William Cape Gardens for five years and 11 June Queen's Birthday High Tea
really feel proud to be part of such a great team of
people. 12 June Steve Richards Concert
13 June Art show at Toukley for Lunch
19 June Concert by Sam
26 June Signing Hands
3 July Concert by Evan
10 July Lambeth Concert
17 July Terry Concert
24 July Steve Richards
30 July Camp Breakaway Coffee Morning
31 July Julz Concert
7 August Brassick Concert
13 August Resident & Relatives Meeting
21 August Claire Hays Concert
William Cape Gardens Pty Limited 28 August Sam in Concert
40 Pearce Road, Kanwal NSW 2259 T 02 4392 4111 F 02 4392 4311