Page 1 - CR Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 1


                                RESIDENCES REVIEW

       It has been a right spectacle to have Australia and    On Saturday 6  August, I participated in The Hills
       New Zealand hosting the FIFA Women’s World             Winter Sleepout which raises funds for Hills
       Cup. If you can’t get seats to watch the matches at    Community Aid and StreetMed. These
       the stadium, there is no better way than to invite     organisations do outstanding work helping people
       your family to Cranbrook Residences 16 seat            who are homeless or at risk of becoming
       cinema to enjoy watching the Matildas play on the      homeless. A huge thank you to our residents and
       big screen. That is exactly what the Clay Clan did     business partners who donated generously.
       and what brilliant matches, the Matildas made us       Together we raised over $3,400!
       all proud making it to the semi-finals!
                                                              To wrap it up, we extend a tremendous
       Our residents have been enjoying having the new        congratulations to our social group run by Sandra,
       632 Hillsbus route which now stops at the very         Ann, Ross and Neville for the extraordinary work
       front of Cranbrook Residences. This bus links          they do planning and delivering the most
       Rouse Hill Metro Station to Pennant Hills Train        incredible events, activities, tours and holidays for
       Station via Kellyville Metro Station, Norwest Metro    our residents. I would encourage you to have a
       Station, Castle Hill Metro Station and Cherrybrook     look at our Facebook page to stay up to date with
       Metro Station. Even better this bus runs every 30      the daily happenings at Cranbrook Residences:
       minutes, and the bus can be located using the
       Moovit App which combines real-time data from          BellaVista/
       Transport for NSW.
                                                              Stay well,
       Being conveniently co-located with Bella Vista
       Gardens Residential Aged Care, we have recently
       started holding ‘Demystifying Aged Care’ tours for
       our residents. Bella Vista Gardens’ Director of Care
       Services, Dee Sookaloo, and Residential Services
                                                               Catherine Montgomery
       and Relations Manager, Mandeep Singh, have              Residential Manager
       welcomed our residents to Bella Vista Gardens
       starting with a tea or coffee in the café, followed by
       a tour of the Piano Lounge, private dining rooms
       and an insight into how care and services are
       customised based on resident choice. Our
       residents have all been impressed with the
       standard of finishes, customised care and
       technology to help keep residents safe. Bella Vista
       Gardens enables residents to live a high quality
       and fulfilled life in a safe and supportive
       environment.  I can see the benefits already - fresh
       hot home cooked meals, all cleaning and washing
       and ironing taken care off, just decide which
       activities and outings you would like to partake in!     Tai Chi
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