Page 7 - CR Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 7


           LOVE STORY

           Michael & Kaylene Kennedy

                                                                We set off to Dubbo in our small Datsun 120Y
                                                                with Danielle in a bassinet on the back seat of the
                                                                car. We arrived safely and set up home in a
                                                                rented unit in West Dubbo. We swiftly organised
                                                                the purchasing a block of land in a new
                                                                subdivision and engaged a builder to build a new
                                                                home which we moved into later that year.

                                                                Michael’s job was thriving and he soon became a
                                                                partner in the firm which became known as Darcy
                                                                Kennedy. Kaylene decided to be a stay at home
                                                                mum and they had 3 more children – Emma,
                                                                Christopher and James – and we had to build on
          Michael Kennedy is the eldest son of a farming        to our original small home.
          family from Tallimba and was studying
          accountancy at the University of New South            The Darcy Kennedy firm was named NSW Telstra
          Wales and was living on campus at Warrane             Small Business of the year in 1999. This award
          College. Kaylene Watts was a registered nurse         and publicity attracted interest from an emerging
          studying midwifery at St Margaret’s hospital.         listed national accounting company. The Darcy
                                                                Kennedy practice in Dubbo was sold to the listed
          In May 1975, the boys at Warrane College had          company in 2000. In 2004, Michael was offered
          organised a social ball at the Lakes Golf Course      the position of NSW and QLD manager for the
          clubhouse and Michael was looking for a partner  company. Michael, Kaylene and youngest son,
          for the function. A friend asked his fiancé to invite  James, moved back to Sydney after 26 years
          girls from St Margaret’s; Kaylene accepted and        living in Dubbo.
          became a blind date for Michael. That night was
          a life changing event for both Michael and            Michael started working at Norwest in 2006 and
          Kaylene. A romance blossomed and Kaylene              purchased a house in Beecroft. Kaylene found
          even typed Michael’s final honours year thesis.       her green thumb and enjoyed experimenting with
                                                                growing new plants she had been unable to grow
          Michael finished his university degree and started  in the harsher climate at Dubbo. Michael retired in
          working in Sydney with a large accounting firm.       2015 but only lasted 3 months when Michael
          Kaylene moved back home to Lidcombe and               started working at an accounting firm in Bathurst.
          began working at Auburn District Hospital.            In 2016, Michael established a new office for the
          Michael proposed to Kaylene and announced the  firm in Norwest and many of his former clients
          engagement to Kaylene’s mum and Michael’s             came back to the new office.
          parents on the night of Michael’s graduation
          ceremony in March 1976. It certainly was a big        Michael and Kaylene sold their home in Beecroft
          day! We waited to get married until Michael           to downsize and transition to retirement. This
          finished the year of study to be a Chartered          brought us to Cranbrook Residences in 2019
          Accountant. We married on 11 June 1977 at St          which is an outstanding facility with welcoming
          Joachim Catholic Church.                              residents and staff.

          Michael accepted a position as a graduate             Michael finally retired as an accountant in 2023
          accountant at a small public accounting firm in       and we look forward to enjoying retirement at
          Dubbo. At the time, Kaylene was pregnant with         Cranbrook Residences and visiting our children
          our first child. Danielle was born on 12 April 1978  and grandchildren interstate. The love story
          and our family was started.                           continues for hopefully many more years.
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