Page 3 - CR Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 3
David Lewis and Nala
I moved on quickly from the motorcycle shop,
getting an engineering apprenticeship with Rolls
Royce. The qualifications to get a Rolls Royce
apprenticeship were very high, but it turned out
that my uncle was the toolroom superintendent
and played golf with the superintendent of
apprentices. We will say no more!
I met my wife, Cathie, while working at the
motorcycle shop. She lived with her parents in a
flat directly above the shop, and directly opposite
where I lived with my parents. She really was “The
Girl Next Door”. What followed was an on again
off again romance, followed by a one-year
Born September 1943 during World War II in the engagement, culminating in our marriage in
shipbuilding area of Govan, Glasgow. My October 1966.
playground was the local bomb shelters.
As a married engineer at Rolls Royce, East
I started my life living in a single flat. This being a
Kilbride I became eligible for a local council flat.
one small bedroom and kitchen with an outside However, at that time there were none available,
toilet, that was shared by other residents living in
so we decided instead to purchase our own home
the same building. being a small terrace house in Renfrew, a walk
During my early life, the family moved often due to across the park from Cathie's work. Over the next
my dad’s job, and I lived in nine different houses three years we had two daughters, Gillian and
and attended eight different schools in my first ten Suzanne, and moved to a larger home in
years of education. This included a nine-month Elderslie.
period spent with the family in Hamburg, In February 1967, I was offered a job with Dexion
as a salesman. In 1971, now a project sales
When the family returned from Germany, my engineer, Dexion requested that I move to their
father brought with him, an Austin A70 car with a Birmingham office. So, the move was on, and a
left-hand drive. So, at the age of fourteen, my house was purchased in Stourport on Severn in
father and I undertook the task of changing the England. This new home cost 6,500 pounds,
steering and transmission from left to right hand which Cathie thought was far too expensive for us.
drive; no small task as it was being done in a In 1977, now Project Manager Southern Region,
farmyard with only hand tools and wheel jacks for Dexion decided to close the Birmingham office
and requested that I move to their London office.
During this period, my father and I became We sold our house in Stourport and rented
cycling partners, played golf together and another while trying to find a suitable house in
planned the car project. By the time I was fifteen I London.
could personally handle most mechanical repairs During this period, a letter arrived from Dexion
and maintenance for a car. At the age of sixteen,
Australia offering me the job as National Logistics
the family returned to Glasgow and instead of Manager. Cathie was very positive and agreed
going back to school, I was able to use my
that the opportunity was too good to miss so in
newfound mechanical skills to get a job at
Alexanders Motorcycle shop close to home. continued…