Page 4 - CR Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 4



          David Lewis and Nala

          January 1978 the family moved to Sydney,               decision to retire and close the business to be
          Australia.  We both acknowledge that coming to         able to stay home more and support Cathie.
          Australia offered the family a great new lifestyle
                                                                 During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2021, Cathie's
          and one that we would never have had without
                                                                 dementia significantly worsened, and with the help
          making the move.
                                                                 of my daughters made the difficult decision to
          After six months looking at property, we bought 94  seek residential care for Cathie. She became a
          Baulkham Hills Road. Baulkham Hills which was to  full-time resident at Moran Aged Care in February
          be the family home for the next 45 years. We           2022. The Moran facility has proven to be a very
          settled the girls at school and Cathie found herself  comfortable place for Cathie, and I visit her
          a new job. We both got involved with local sport,      frequently accompanied by our beloved family
          Cathie joining the Winston Hills Netball               dog, Nala.
          association and I the Baulkham Hills soccer
          association. The family quickly met and made
          many new friends. Over the years in Australia our
          family expanded. In 1996, our eldest daughter,
          Gillian gave birth to our first granddaughter,
          Rebecca. In 2001, our younger daughter, Suzanne
          gave birth to our second grand daughter, Sarah.
          Followed by our grandson James in 2002.

          I enjoyed much professional success with Dexion,
          being involved in many of the major distribution
          centre design and fit outs with storage and
          handling systems in Australia and overseas.
          However, in the year 2000, now Logistics Director,     In 2022, I started considering moving from our
          Dexion and I decided that it was time to part ways.    Baulkham Hills home so started getting the house
                                                                 ready for sale while visiting retirement facilities.
          Cathie and I started our own consulting company,
                                                                 Early 2022 I made my first visit to Cranbrook
          DCL (Distribution Centre logistics). I handled the
                                                                 Residences and though very impressed I was just
          clients and contracts and Cathie managed the
                                                                 not ready to move. In February this year I was
          books. Cathie took her job very seriously and
                                                                 notified that an apartment was for sale, and I
          would give me a hard time if I couldn't account for
                                                                 decided to view. Within 48 hours of my visit, I
          my expenses, which was a fairly regular
                                                                 made an offer which was accepted, and the
          occurrence. The business was successful and
                                                                 process to sell Baulkham Hills began in earnest.
          allowed us to travel frequently overseas on
                                                                 From my first visit in 2022, Cranbrook Residences
          holidays to places such as Canada, America,
                                                                 always stood out to me as a desirable place to
          South Africa, Europe and Asia. We also
          purchased our holiday house at Callala Beach
          and visited with our black Labrador, Gemma, on a       Nala and I have settled in well and we are both
          regular basis until in 2017 we decided we had had      very comfortable and impressed with the total
          enough of the beach and sold.                          facility and the residents who have made us feel
                                                                 very welcome; I know that If my wife Cathie was
          In 2019, it started to become clear that Cathie's
                                                                 here with me, she would be in total agreement.
          cognitive ability was declining, and after seeing
          the specialist it was confirmed that Cathie was in
          the early stages of dementia. I then made the
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