Page 8 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2019_FINAL
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Meet the Team, Brain Teaser & Diary
Brain Teaser
Test your brain! Can you work out the riddle
Meet Racy Shrestha
I’m Racy. I was born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. I
studied Environmental Engineering for my undergraduate
and then I moved to Sydney for my further studies. While
I miss my family and friends back home (not to mention
delicious food), I am completely in love with my new
home, Sydney.
For the Diary
I came to Australia in 2014 and have been residing in
Neutral Bay at present. I have been working as a Personal
Care Assistant for the past four years, three years being in Date Event
Lansdowne Gardens. It has been an amazing experience 1 Sept Father's Day
working for Cranbrook Care with such a wonderful team.
In my opinion, I have developed a well‐rounded skill set 5 Sept Conservatorium of Music Concert
working for Cranbrook Care. Here, I have learnt that 10 Sept Journey Through Film Presentation
every day is a new challenge and every day teaches you 13 Sept Classical Guitar Performance
new things. Being a Personal Care Assistant has taught 15 Sept Jazz on the Green
me to be more resilient. I love taking care of our 19 Sept Wycombe Road ‐ Candlelit Dinner
residents, making them happy and keeping them smiling. 26 Sept Mosman Art Prize Exhibition
At the same time, I am also very fond of chatting to the
residents and feel very happy to care for the residents 27 Sept Men's Business Luncheon
from such diverse backgrounds. The feeling after helping 28 Sept AFL Grand Final
and caring for our residents is utterly fulfilling. 7 Oct Lisgar Gardens Bus Outing
10 Oct Chocolate Experience ‐ Lindt Café
Besides working as a PCA, I enjoy drawing, painting,
baking and partying with friends. At Lansdowne Gardens, 14 Oct Yacht Squadron Lunch
I have made some lifelong friends and I love every second 22 Oct Pink Ribbon Breakfast
of working here. My motto in life (it’s from Vince 29 Oct BBQ on the Green
Lombardi) "the price of success is hard work, dedication to 5 Nov Melbourne Cup Festivities
the job at hand, and the determination that whether we 8 Nov Ladies High Tea
win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the 11 Nov
task at hand". Remembrance Day
12 Nov Remembrance Day Service
14 Nov Mosman Art Society Exhibition
19 Nov Signature Colour Shopping Event
Lansdowne Gardens Pty Limited
25 Nov Lunch at Mosman RSL
11 Manns Avenue, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
T 02 9953 0000 F 02 9953 0111