Page 3 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2019_FINAL
P. 3

         Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care


         Morning Tea

                                                                How do you know if your loved one needs
         We all enjoyed a cup of tea and cupcake in support of
         the Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for the fight   in‐home care?
         against cancer. Thank you to all those who participated.
                                                                While the question may be hard to ask or answer,

                                                                you don’t have to face these issues alone. Some
                                                                simple questions can help you determine if your

                                                                loved one may benefit from in‐home care.

                                                                Have you noticed a change in any of the following?

                                                                  Eating habits changing, weight loss or gain may
                                                                    be a key

                                                                  A lack or abundance of food in the home

                                                                  Decreased activity or change in mobility

                                                                  Personal hygiene declining

                                                                  Medication forgotten or more than prescribed
                                                                    amount taken

                                                                  Housekeeping noticeable changes

                                                                  Social life or outings less frequent, feelings of

                                                                  Accidents, either falling or tripping or driving

                                                                Cranbrook at Home can assist you in answering
                                                                these questions with your loved one and put
                                                                together a bespoke suite of services for support in
                                                                the home. Our experienced team can make a home
                                                                visit to assess your loved ones needs and make a
                                                                difference in the lives of older Australians who wish
                                                                to stay in the comfort of their own home whilst
                                                                offering some peace of mind to families.

                                                                If you would like to learn more about Cranbrook at
                                                                Home and how we may be able to assist you or a
                                                                loved one, please feel free to give Julie a call.

                                                                For more information on Cranbrook at Home
                                                                please call Julie on 02 9458 9950 or email
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