Page 6 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2019_FINAL
P. 6
Salmon & Spinach
Quiche Cooking
with Ashley, Group Executive Chef
Spring is upon us once again which
hopefully means we can enjoy more Ingredients: 7. Drizzle a little oil, grind some
of the great outdoors that I just love. • 100g baby spinach pepper and sprinkle of salt.
We have new menus not only to • ½ Brown onion, peeled & sliced 8. Bake @160°C for 8 mins; set aside.
adjust to the season, but to also • ½ Small bulb fennel, finely sliced 9. With the butter & oil, sweat the
ensure we are offering as much • ½ tsp minced garlic onion, fennel & garlic, till soft.
variety as possible all year round. • Puff pastry sheets 10. Add the spinach and sweat until
Food Services is always keen to hear • 8 Eggs wilted; place in a sieve to drain all
suggestions from residents, regarding • 200ml cream excess moisture.
what they like to eat and what they • 2 Tbsp grated parmesan 11. In a bowl, whisk the eggs &
would like to see on the menus. Our • 200‐300g Salmon portions, skinless cream together.
Resident & Relatives meetings provide & boneless 12. Remove baking rice and paper
an excellent platform where positive, • ½ bunch dill, roughly chopped from the pastry case.
healthy discussion on food and • 50g butter 13. Sprinkle base with parmesan.
service, enables our food service staff
to receive feedback about how they • 1 Tbsp vegetable or light olive oil 14. Lay onion, fennel mixture on the
can best meet our resident's needs • Salt & pepper top; spread evenly.
and expectations. We encourage you 15. Flake the salmon into big flakes,
to participate and share your Method: gently over the top, followed by the
thoughts. If you can’t attend the 1. Grease a baking pan or tart ring. spinach.
meetings your Residential Services & 2. Lay a sheet of puff pastry inside 16. Pour over the custard mix, then
Relations Manager will be happy to and press to the sides. finally the parmesan.
forward your request or suggestion to 3. Trim any excess pastry. 17. Bake @ 150°C for 30‐40 minutes,
the kitchen. I really enjoy hearing 4. Lay baking paper over the pastry until custard is set.
good‐news stories from our chefs and and fill with baking rice. 18. Remove and allow the quiche to
cooks, where they have cooked and 5. Bake @150°C for 40 minutes, until cool, before portioning.
created meals that are well received golden & crisp. 19. Serve with hollandaise sauce,
and enjoyed. 6. Meanwhile, place the salmon salad and/or vegetables.
portions in a baking tray. 20. Makes approx. 8‐10 portions.