Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2019_FINAL
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                                     From David

            "Spring is nature's way of saying let's

            Welcome to Lansdowne Gardens Spring               Our residents enjoyed their visit the Gallery of NSW to view the
            newsletter.                                       Archibald prize exhibition

            During the past few months you will have received
            a copy of the new Charter of Aged Care Rights. The
            new Charter has been introduced by the
            Department of Health and the Aged Care Quality    Housekeeping
            and Safety Commission to bring them in line with
            the new Aged Care Quality Standards. The new
            Charter of Aged Care Rights is focused on more    I continue to receive calls regarding the Means Tested
            resident choice in all aspects of their care.     Care Fee (MTCF) which appears on the monthly invoices.
                                                              So, I thought I would take this opportunity to try and clear
            Please feel free to contact me should you have    up some of the confusion.
            questions reading the new Charter.
                                                              The MTCF is set by the Department of Human Services.
            We have a new team member joined our Leisure &    We are advised by the Department the amount we are to
            Lifestyle team. Lizzy Burley has completed her    charge each resident. This is determined by an
            Diploma in Health & Leisure and will be a great   assessment of income and assets, if you have lodged the
            asset to our already amazing team. Lizzy will bring   necessary paperwork. Should you choose not to lodge the
            some great new ideas and activities on board with   forms you may be charged at the highest daily rate. The
            her.                                              Department reviews these amounts quarterly and advises
                                                              us of any charges by letter. As the Department reviews
            Please introduce yourself to Lizzy and feel free to   quarterly this sometimes means that we have to back
            join in any of our activities and outings.        date any increase or decrease in the MTCF. Hence why
                                                              your monthly invoice may show several adjustments of
            Until next time….                                 the MTCF. 100% of fees collected are done so on behalf of
                                                              the Department. There is both an annual and life time cap

                                                              set by the Department. For these caps and more
                                                              information please visit the website as per the link below.

            David Clark
            Residential Services & Relations Manager          If you have any further questions about the MTCF or your
                                                              invoice, please contact me on 9953 0000.


                                                              Jackie Engelmann, Client Services Manager
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