Page 4 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2019_FINAL
P. 4

         Health & Wellbeing

         Cheer up the Lonely Day

         By Kerry Mann, CEO Cranbrook Care

                                                              The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that there
         The 11th July was Cheer up the Lonely Day which serves   were 493,000 people aged 85 years and over in Australia
         as an important reminder that feelings of loneliness are   in 2017, making up 2% of the population. This group is
         unfortunately a common occurrence for many,          projected to grow rapidly reaching between 3.6% and
         particularly senior Australians. So how can we ensure our   4.4% in 2066. These figures demonstrate that maximising
         ageing population feels included and cared for?
                                                              the health and wellbeing of our seniors is a public health
                                                              imperative that will become of increasing important over
         Unfortunately, loneliness affects a disproportionate
                                                              time, requiring real solutions that go well beyond home‐
         number of senior Australians and the issue has become
         much more than an unfortunate situation – it is a serious   delivery meals and adding hospital beds. With loneliness
         health concern, and one which should be a public health   having far‐reaching consequences in terms of depression,
         priority. While social isolation refers to having minimal   mobility and the successful treatment of chronic disease,
         contact with others, whether through limited         the situation is already putting pressure on health and
         opportunity, lack of existing networks, reduced ability to   social services in this country and others.
         communicate or a lack of awareness of relevant       Obviously not all lonely seniors are looking to move into
         resources; loneliness is the negative feeling often   retirement residences or aged care accommodation just
         associated with social isolation ‐ with actual and   yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help them feel
         perceived social isolation both associated with an   connected and cared for. With many Australians keen to
         increased risk for early mortality.
                                                              continue living independently at home, our industry must
                                                              continue to be innovative, and provide personalised in‐
         While loneliness is not exclusively a problem for our
         ageing population, it is certainly acutely felt by the   home services which extend beyond the traditional
         elderly, many of whom feel a genuine sense of loss at the   services to encompass companionship ‐ all intended to
         disintegration of their social lives and decreasing   make staying at home simpler, safer, more sustainable –
         interaction with busy family and remaining friends –   and less isolating. Addressing their social health and
         whether caused by being widowed, dealing with        minimising loneliness throughout the continuum of care
                                                              should be a primary public health priority – not just for
         dementia or an ill partner, personal poor health,
         immobility, having to relocate from their family home   policymakers and those in the industry, but for all of us.
         and community or poor technological skills which make it   Let Cheer up the Lonely Day serve as a reminder that
         harder to establish new friendships and maintain contact   nobody wants to grow old alone, or be alone, nor should
         with younger generations.
                                                              they have to.
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