Page 7 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2019_FINAL
P. 7


            Happy Birthday

            We wish the following residents
            a very Happy Birthday:


            4 September       Maureen

            4 September       Andrew

            6 September       Margot

            8 September       David
                                                    Lansdowne Gardens resident, Ethelle Bennett
            24 September      Anne S.

            24 September      Lorna

            27 September      Russell               Meet Ethelle Bennett
            29 September      Nola
                                                    Ethelle Jeanette Bennett is an extraordinary woman ‐ a loving wife and
            October                                 mother, an immaculate homemaker, gifted gardener and brilliant
            1 October         Jasmine               academic ‐ an inspiration to her children.
            1 October         Ella                  Ethelle (also known as Thel) was born in Newcastle during the war
                                                    years and learned to be resourceful and to value the simple things in
            18 October        Mavis
                                                    life ‐ especially the importance of family. Her name was French and
                                                    rhymes with Belle rather than Ethel ‐ she has spent much of her life
            18 October        Shirley
                                                    spelling it for people! She was a brilliant student at Newcastle Girl’s
            November                                High School and was offered a Commonwealth Scholarship to
                                                    University. Instead she became a Dental Assistant and met her
            1 November        Margaret C.
                                                    husband Dr Andrew Bennett in the dental chair! They started a family
            6 November        Margery               straight away ‐ she had three children when she got the vote at age
                                                    21, and had five children by the time she was 26 years old.
            8 November        Wendy
                                                    Always a dedicated and busy mother she made all her children’s
            8 November        Ethelle               clothes, toys and somehow managed to have an amazingly
                                                    immaculate home and garden. She was a full‐time mother and wife
            10 November       Henry
                                                    until all the children were in school. She then learnt short‐hand (a lost
            11 November       Jean C.               art), did a secretarial course and was a medical receptionist for about
                                                    15 years. At a mature age she finally enrolled at Macquarie University
            15 November       Stanley               where she completed her Bachelor and then Masters in Clinical
                                                    Psychology. At the age of 58 years she was awarded her PhD with
                                                    ground breaking and highly cited work on the impact of post‐traumatic
                                                    stress syndrome in gut function.

                                                    She loves to be useful and busy. At Lansdowne she continues to be
                                                    generous, warm and caring to everyone she meets ‐ she makes you

                                                    feel special because you are to her.

                                                    Her research has really made a difference, but she would say her
                                                    biggest achievements are her children ‐ and her 64 years of marriage ‐

                                                    an exceptional partnership with Andy. Everyone who meets Andy and
                                                    Thel cannot miss their devotion and deep connection. A true
                                                    achievement of enduring love and two lives well shared.

                                                    My Mum is an inspiration to me every day and I am proud to say both
                                                    my parents are my heroes.

                                                    By her loving daughter ‐ Christine Bennett.
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