Page 33 - INQ TITO lulu v2 final
P. 33
Getting Audience Segmentation is level 1 of getting personal. Personas are level 2 and
Personalisation is level 3. They do not replace each other - you need all 3 to enhance your
Personal employee experience.
Audience Segmentation helps to understand your people and their lives - you usually
start by segmenting them by role, generations, lifecycle, career and life stage, preferences
and other demographics.
Personas are used to empathise and better understand individuals/ groups. They are
fictional characters that exhibit the traits/ lifestyle of an ideal customer. Start by tracking
data and getting regular feedback from key audiences/ stakeholder groups across the
business. Establishing feedback forums for straight talking engaging conversations with
employees about their lives adds more depth to this work. You can then use the data to
create personas, that allow you to empathise with your different audiences and create more
personalized services – especially helpful when looking at the employee experience as a
lifecycle or journey.
We are living in the age of Personalisation - as consumers we have become accustomed
to expecting personalised experiences – where everything from our buying habits,
communication, learning, entertainment and more are personalised. With data analytics
everything can be measured within a business too – so the workplace is following suit –
with the ability to consider individual wishes and capabilities. With a shift to multi
generational workforces and different employment options – we have colleagues with
different agendas and ways of being – it is all about personalisation as an enabler to
connect to people and drive performance.
This will initially be seen in the revolution of learning and development to provide
customised learning experiences and performance feedback; employee led communication
channel preferences and targeted personalisation and customisation across the employee
We See You lifecycle. It will provide the foundation data to detect behaviours and discover correlations
in behaviours among employees to build holistic employee experiences.
We Hear You There are three additional factors to consider when looking to use employee data and
We Value You feedback to get personal: gaining and maintaining employee trust, respecting privacy and
the ethical use of such data.