Page 43 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 43
When communicating it is Role
essential to identify all audiences
(often known as stakeholders) for Employee Impact
each core message/ or campaign. profile
Too many messages are sent out
to all employees or large groups Message
to make it easy. The more specific
groups you identify – the more Task or Geography
relevant you can make the project
You can also undertake
stakeholder analysis on the likely
impact of a communication on
each target audience.
Who are your primary audience directly affected by the message? Who needs to get
this message directly as a recipient? How should they be grouped? Then who needs
it as a support resource? Some people need to be involved and maybe take action –
others just need to be informed the communication has taken place. Take the time to
get specific.
When communicating it is Role
essential to identify all audiences
(often known as stakeholders) for Employee Impact
each core message/ or campaign. profile
Too many messages are sent out
to all employees or large groups Message
to make it easy. The more specific
groups you identify – the more Task or Geography
relevant you can make the project
You can also undertake
stakeholder analysis on the likely
impact of a communication on
each target audience.
Who are your primary audience directly affected by the message? Who needs to get
this message directly as a recipient? How should they be grouped? Then who needs
it as a support resource? Some people need to be involved and maybe take action –
others just need to be informed the communication has taken place. Take the time to
get specific.