Page 65 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 65
Core: Role Model
q connected, credible and respected by their peers Ambassador
q right attitude – can do Champion
Skills: Networked
q good influencer Networker
q well networked in Business Unit Knowledgeable
q action planner Well Informed
q some experience of delivering presentations
q some writing skills Planner
q potential facilitator Communicator
q empathy
q keen to learn Facilitator
q change agent Listener
q resilient Presenter
1) Content providers Mentor
2) Supporting communication campaigns locally Empathiser
3) Delivering messages within their team Idea Generator
4) Gathering regular feedback Change Agent
5) Supporting managers to help them communicate Doer/ Implementer
better Contributor
6) Building know-how: business and communication
Asking the right questions at the right time?
Meaningful conversations
Core: Role Model
q connected, credible and respected by their peers Ambassador
q right attitude – can do Champion
Skills: Networked
q good influencer Networker
q well networked in Business Unit Knowledgeable
q action planner Well Informed
q some experience of delivering presentations
q some writing skills Planner
q potential facilitator Communicator
q empathy
q keen to learn Facilitator
q change agent Listener
q resilient Presenter
1) Content providers Mentor
2) Supporting communication campaigns locally Empathiser
3) Delivering messages within their team Idea Generator
4) Gathering regular feedback Change Agent
5) Supporting managers to help them communicate Doer/ Implementer
better Contributor
6) Building know-how: business and communication
Asking the right questions at the right time?
Meaningful conversations