Page 64 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 64
How do you create a support network for corporate communications internally, support for managers,
skill build future leaders and build a network across the business? Introduce Communication
Champions for each distinct area of the business. Establishing and developing a team of
communication champions across the business creates a network, an official company grapevine,
manager support team, content providers, skill builds and adds a local resource to deliver
programmes. You need Senior Management support for selection and the roles. Be clear on their
responsibilities , brief their managers well and set boundaries so they are not seen as management
moles! The network of champions needs to reflect the Working with their Manager
organisation chart with representatives from key q Partner and supporter in their
GET teams, functions and geographies. They need to
be trained, connect regularly and be briefed at role as an effective
least each quarter. They should also have a toolkit communicator
and their own intranet space to build their q Doing it with them and for
community. They should be recognised and them not to them
q Manager Briefing toolkit
rewarded as an integral part of the team. DO
Tasks. For instance:
Intellectual Understanding
q Explaining and administering
Bystanders Champions central initiatives for them
q Targeting and translating
messages for the audience
and briefing your Manager
q Feedback on the teams
communication preferences
Weak Loose q Organising meetings and
Links Cannons
preparing materials
q Explaining communication
methods and tools
q Giving them feedback from
your audience (their team)
Emotional Commitment SUPPORT
How do you create a support network for corporate communications internally, support for managers,
skill build future leaders and build a network across the business? Introduce Communication
Champions for each distinct area of the business. Establishing and developing a team of
communication champions across the business creates a network, an official company grapevine,
manager support team, content providers, skill builds and adds a local resource to deliver
programmes. You need Senior Management support for selection and the roles. Be clear on their
responsibilities , brief their managers well and set boundaries so they are not seen as management
moles! The network of champions needs to reflect the Working with their Manager
organisation chart with representatives from key q Partner and supporter in their
GET teams, functions and geographies. They need to
be trained, connect regularly and be briefed at role as an effective
least each quarter. They should also have a toolkit communicator
and their own intranet space to build their q Doing it with them and for
community. They should be recognised and them not to them
q Manager Briefing toolkit
rewarded as an integral part of the team. DO
Tasks. For instance:
Intellectual Understanding
q Explaining and administering
Bystanders Champions central initiatives for them
q Targeting and translating
messages for the audience
and briefing your Manager
q Feedback on the teams
communication preferences
Weak Loose q Organising meetings and
Links Cannons
preparing materials
q Explaining communication
methods and tools
q Giving them feedback from
your audience (their team)
Emotional Commitment SUPPORT