Page 88 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 88
The facilitator is concerned about the overall
Role Overview meeting or workshop, encouraging

1. Challenges habitual thinking and behaviours participation, surfacing dissenting views,
2. Creates the right atmosphere/ holds the space encouraging listening and dialogue, and
3. Models behaviours
4. Notices and reflects back building connections and meaning.
5. Looks for opportunities to get out of the way
6. Cope with uncertainty 1. The role of the facilitator is to make things easy for
7. Use power of credibility to help address issues others to discuss things and make decisions.
8. Be calm in times of emotion
9. Support and counsel the others on process 2. The task revolves around designing and managing an
10. Be understandable inclusive process to achieve the agreed outcomes.
11. Mobilise the energy Facilitating the event not every moment.
12. Surface difficult issues and help others to do so
13. Take themselves less seriously 3. The facilitator is in charge of process and not content.
14. Empathise You monitor the content, make suggestions through
questioning and manage what happens. Process is not
Those leading communication efforts are more important than content – the one is the means to
often asked to facilitate meetings and events. the other being effective
The role of the facilitator is to make things
easy for others. In meetings the task revolves 4. Contract with the group on roles, establish ground
around designing and managing an inclusive rules, use an ‘energy meter’ and set up a ‘car park’ to
process to achieve the agreed outcomes. The park important things that are not relevant and take
facilitator is in charge of process and not you off track.
content. You monitor the content, make
suggestions through questioning and manage 5. When you design the session it is useful to create a
what happens. process map with tools for the key stages of the
session that you think will achieve the outcome.
Contract with the group on roles, establish
ground rules and use an ‘energy meter’. Set up 6. However you need to also cope with uncertainty,
a ‘car park’ to park important things that are knowing things might not turn out as predicted and be
not relevant and take you off track. willing to just manage what happens. Good facilitators
frequently change what they planned, on the spot,
It is useful to create a process map with tools trusting their intuition.
for the key stages of the session that you think
will achieve the outcome. However the role 7. The role requires flexibility to move with the room,
requires flexibility to move with the room, encourage dialogue but stay focused on the objectives.
encourage dialogue but stay focused on the
objectives. 8. The need to be attentive, actively listen well,
empathise with people and really engage with them.

9. Communicate clearly – describe things in
understandable and interesting ways

10. You need to mobilise energy in others and yourself
11. It helps to surface difficult issues and help others to.
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