Page 93 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 93
Make managers accountable for local MIWM
Regular effective team meetings are a fundamental process at the TOPIC CHECKLIST
heart of good communication within a business. If they are not being
done, don’t involve everyone or are not done well - you are missing a 1. What is happening/
basic building block to deliver your strategy. Keep it simple, involve changing? Always
everyone and make it regular. They are as much about ‘why’, followed by:
‘WIFM’, creating local context and building business literacy as
‘what’. Make it a cycle with a feedback loop not a cascade. Here is a 2. Why is this important
sample template: for:
• employees (WIFM)
• your team
• the business?
3. What you need
employees to get,
support and do?
4. Test understanding of
topic and actions
5. Get ideas to address
any issues, challenges
or concerns
6. Get ideas for
measuring success
7. Gain commitment for
next steps
8. Answer questions
9. Conclude with
Make managers accountable for local MIWM
Regular effective team meetings are a fundamental process at the TOPIC CHECKLIST
heart of good communication within a business. If they are not being
done, don’t involve everyone or are not done well - you are missing a 1. What is happening/
basic building block to deliver your strategy. Keep it simple, involve changing? Always
everyone and make it regular. They are as much about ‘why’, followed by:
‘WIFM’, creating local context and building business literacy as
‘what’. Make it a cycle with a feedback loop not a cascade. Here is a 2. Why is this important
sample template: for:
• employees (WIFM)
• your team
• the business?
3. What you need
employees to get,
support and do?
4. Test understanding of
topic and actions
5. Get ideas to address
any issues, challenges
or concerns
6. Get ideas for
measuring success
7. Gain commitment for
next steps
8. Answer questions
9. Conclude with