Page 92 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 92
Meetings can take up a
lot of time – so make 1) Plan it - recognise the need to consider content,
sure they are productive, process and people.
2) Have a clear purpose – set an objective/ outcome
SMART and worth for the meeting and for each item on the agenda.
attending. 3) Objectives focus the group, drive the outcome and
act as a performance measure.
NB MIWM 4) What are you wanting from each item i.e. a
discussion, a decision?
meetings I wouldn’t miss – 5) Structure the agenda appropriately and allocate
they are so good! time based on importance.
6) Make it interesting - to maintain the energy
Real work throughout the meeting by varying the content and
(useful uptime not downtime) participation.
7) Attendance - agree who really needs to be
Framework involved.
(purpose, agenda, your role) 8) Publicise the meeting agenda and background notes
to read beforehand.
Time is money 9) Be punctual so start and end on time.
(90 minute rule) 10) Check in and check out (using the left hand
Discuss not digress 11) Prepare by having all essential materials organised
(keep on track and use a ‘car and ready.
12) Follow a decision making process.
park’) 13) Encourage collaboration.
14) Action by assigning responsibilities and target
GAPS dates.
(Good Action Points – real time 15) Summarise each agreement/ actions as GAPS.
16) Evaluate the meeting.
notes). 17) Communicate - agree what needs to be
communicated as a result of the meeting – write notes
– photocopy – give to each attendee.
18) Circulate GAPs with public follow up mechanism.
19) Environment – match to the pace of the meeting
and offer refreshments.
20) Use an Energy Meter to maintain a peak state.
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