Page 3 - Lara Confident Teen Session 2 Coaching Card 121222
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Session 2 - 12 th December 2022: Lara
Theme: Being ME- Self Aware and Self Belief
• Identity - Who am I?
• Changing our State – energy and attitude
• Bringing the Best version of ME Circle
• Projects: Global Perspectives, Canva Bum[er Board and Journal 1 for 2023
Thank you Lara – another great session you brought all your creativity and energy to it. We agreed these sessions
go so fast. You are awesome and you are doing great with this.
You got how important it is to be confident in introducing yourself and telling your story of who you are in your
own engaging way. You brought energy into it and should be proud of who you are. Your personal HELLO WORLD
THIS IS ME description was great and you made it even better during the session by adding in your REAL state
(Fun, Interesting and Resourceful). One more time at our next session.
The reason this is important is to get you more comfortable and confident in introducing yourself; and to discover
more about who you are and what matters most to you. This is the foundation of your IDENTITY. Not something
that is fixed but rather a recipe you can change as you move through life. Even stubborn can be erased!!
We talked about School and finding ways to make it easier to learn things. We will look at this in Session 3 as we
look at Learning to Learn. We are going to use your Arabic Social Studies Global Perspectives Project to work on
this together. You will brief me next time on the project and skills it is focused on.
Whilst this is a subject you find less interesting – the themes of analysis, communication, collaboration and
evaluation are really important future skills – so we need to get more curious and find new ways to make this all
much more fun J. Let’s start looking at learning in new ways!
We also began looking at the LIFE CIRCLE and thinking up ideas on what a perfect life would look like in each of
the 8 areas. We will continue this next session and I have included the templates for you to do some more thinking
beforehand. So have a go at filling them in.