Page 6 - Lara Confident Teen Session 2 Coaching Card 121222
P. 6

TEMPLATE 1                               LARA LIFE WHEEL PLANNER

                            MAKING THE MOST           GROWING INTO MY             FAMILY COMES          FABULOUS FRIENDS &
                                OF SCHOOL                   FUTURE                     FIRST                   PLAYPALS

                           COMMITTED  LEARNER        CURIOUS OPPORTUNIST        LOVE & CONTRIBUTE         BELONG  & CONNECT
                           Purpose, outlook, plan,   Visionary, seed sower,    Live the journey, love         Nurture good
                            good choices, focus,        growth mindset,           each other, care,       friendships, have fun,
                             learning to learn,       adapter, discoverer,       connect, support,        find your tribe, help,
                            contributor, player,       skill stacker, brave      share, belong, give,      support, give. take.
                               deliverer and         explorer and awesome      create magic moments        share, care, be kind
                            community citizen.            adventurer.              and celebrate.         and create moments.

      If this was 10/10
    what would it look
       and feel like?

      Where are you
     now? Score plus
       look and feel.

     Where and what
       are the gaps?

     Who would you
       need to be to
      create that 10?

      Which 3 areas
    would be the best
    to focus on & why?
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