Page 7 - Lara Confident Teen Session 2 Coaching Card 121222
P. 7

TEMPLATE 2                                LARA LIFE WHEEL PLANNER

                             FUN, HOBBIES &                HEALTH &                DISCOVERY &                   BEING
                                INTERESTS                 HAPPINESS             INVESTMENT ZONE                 BEST ME

                           EXPLORER & CREATOR              ENERGISED               SUPERPOWERS            OWNER & POTENTIAL
                            The things you enjoy       Your physical and        Your differentiators,      The absolute BEST
                             doing in your own        mental wellbeing –        curiosity and future     version of YOU saying
                            time alone and with       SELF care, MEDS and      focus – focus, talents,   HELLO WORLD! As YOU
                                  others.                                      habits, outlook, work
                                                             roots.                                         and as a CITIZEN
                                                                                 ethic, consistency,
                                                                                   GRIT and drive.

      If this was 10/10
    what would it look
       and feel like?

      Where are you
     now? Score plus
       look and feel.

     Where and what
       are the gaps?

     Who would you
       need to be to
      create that 10?

      Which 3 areas
    would be the best
    to focus on & why?
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12