Page 5 - Lara Confident Teen Session 2 Coaching Card 121222
P. 5
We confirmed that we will include the following OBJECTIVES within our sessions:
CONFIDENT q Improving your confidence when you are outside your comfort zone.
Teen Lara q Helping you be more open to change, to the new and how you view things.
Session : q Helping you get more productive.
Coaching q Helping yourself study and understand the topics you take better. (We will
include this in learning to learn in Session 3). We will work on this, and I will
Card/ 3 support you on your Project we discussed.
q Helping you to be create more family experiences and be more tolerant with
We agreed that you would do these tasks before our next session:
q REVIEW & REWRITE your introduction to represent YOU for our
finale saying HELLO World!!.
q CONTINUE the work we did in the session and use the following
templates 1 and 2 to review your life right now and think of some
ideas ready for Session 3.
q SOURCE details on the Arabic Social Studies Project we are
working on together to be ready to brief me on our coaching call.
Also get details of all your key dates for 2023 to share with me:
Saudi National holidays, Muslim religious holiday dates, school
holidays, home events etc. Your 2023 Calendar draft.
q TEMPLATES: Have a go at filling in the Have, Do, Be and Lara
Weekly Schedule – Templates 3 and 4. If you have any questions
send me a message.
q CONTINUE CREATING a digital file of your favourite quotes, words,
colours, pictures, recipes, ideas, books, music, bands, friends,
moments … anything that might be included in your bumper
board – so you can share your ideas on how you would like your
Board to look on the call. They can represent Lara NOW or in the
future or both.
q ASK YOUR DAD for your Canva subscription to help you design
your Canvas. (I have talked to him – when you are ready just ask
him and he will set up the paid version).