Page 4 - Lara Confident Teen Session 2 Coaching Card 121222
P. 4
Teen Lara
Session 2:
Card/ 2
We talked through Managing Your State. We can all
change how we feel in the moment by focusing on
one or more of the following three ingredients:
q Focus – what you choose to look at – the problem
v the opportunity or the positive v the negative or
what went right v what went wrong or what you
are good at v what you struggle with etc. – get it!
Make the right choice! Or change it!
q Language – linked to the above – be careful how
you describe things and the words you use as they
have power over your mood – awesome v ok or
impossible v opportunity or helpless v hopeful.
Find your power words that lift you up and make Did you know you can change how you
you feel good. Check out Be REAL again! feel in a few seconds – neither good or
q The simplest one is Physical – just get up and bad moods are fixed – choose to be REAL
move about and you change the chemicals in your and just change yourself to keep
body. Physical activity generates mood boosters! positive!. Choose your 3 to 5 words
Also, how you hold your body makes a difference BREATH THEM IN and off you go!
– compare the body language of a happy v sad
person to understand this.
q We will play with this idea more in future sessions