Page 4 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 4

Wednesday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 20, 2016

        Join Us for Thought-Provoking Pre-Conference Workshops

        The pre-conference workshops offer you the opportunity to study one topic or issues of current
        interest  in  greater  depth  than  is  possible  in  a  breakout  session.  The  pre-conference  work-
        shops  will  be  held  on  Wednesday,  July  20.  Space  is  limited.  Be  sure  to  sign  up  early.  All  are
        welcome. Four informative pre-conference workshops will be offered in 2016:

        Procurement of Specialized Professional                 Lobbying and the Legislative Process: Enhance
            Services Including Architects and Engineers             Your Understanding, Your Effectiveness, and
        10:00 AM - 4:30 PM                                          Your Superpowers!
        You don’t have to be Superman or Wonder Woman           1:15 PM - 4:30 PM
        to  understand  how  to  procure  Specialized  Profes-  This program is sponsored by Expect More Arizona
        sional  Services.    Come  learn  about  the  compliant   and AASBO and will bring legendary superheros to-
        best practices being employed to procure the servic-    gether to explain how the legislative process works
        es of an architect, engineer, land surveyor, assayer,   and how you can to influence legislation. Learn what
        geologist and landscape architect and any combina-      to do and not to do when lobbying and how to follow
        tion of those services.  This will be an interactive and   bills through the legislative process.
        informative  pre-conference  that  will  delve  deeply
        into  the  many  unique  procurement  tools  available   Presented by: Chuck Essigs - AASBO, Geoff Es-
        to school purchasing professionals in contracting for   posito -Expect More Arizona & A group of present-
        these services.  Our “Justice League” panel of ex-      ers that know the legislative process and have many
        perts will use real-life case studies and discussion to   years of lobbying experience
        help simplify these types of procurements and save
        the day!

        Presented by: Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public           Leadership: Learn How To Identify
        Schools, Kevin Startt, CPPB - Tucson Unified School         Communication Styles and Read People
        District, Eva Dino - Alhambra Elementary School         1:15 PM - 4:30 PM
        District, Anita McLemore, C.P.M. -  Mohave Educa-       Do you struggle with not feeling heard or understood?
        tional Services Cooperative, Ken Carter - 1 Gov-        Would  you  like  more  harmony,  productivity  and  en-
        ernment Purchasing Alliance & Bill Munch - Valley       gagement  in  your  office?  How  would  you  feel  if  you
        Schools Management Group                                could look at an email, walk into someone’s office, or
                                                                leverage the type of book he/she reads into a deeper
                                                                understanding of that person?   Attend this interactive
                                                                workshop that will share verbal and non-verbal com-
        Do you have an INCREDIBLE req to check                  munication practices and what you can do to identify
            process?                                            them. Using the DISC assessment, which was original-
        1:15 PM - 4:30 PM                                       ly developed in the 1920s by the psychologist who later
        How do you manage the req to check process wheth-       invented the lie detector test and the Wonder Woman
        er you have a small district or a large district?  What   comic  series,  you  will  learn  a  process  to  help  iden-
        basic  controls  need  to  be  in  place  for  purchasing,   tify  human  fears,  motivators,  communication  prefer-
        accounts payable, vendor maintenance, etc.?  This       ences and behavioral styles. Leverage this knowledge
        session  will  provide  cross  training  and  big  picture   to effectively communicate with your team producing
                                                                opportunities  for  improved  performance,  managing
        concepts for the role everyone plays in the req to      change more efficiently, and better placement of peo-
        check process.   “No matter how many times you          ple in jobs that highlight their strengths.
        save  the  world,  it  always  manages  to  get  back  in   Learn from Washington School District, as we present
        jeopardy  again.  Sometimes  I  just  want  it  to  stay   their case study, outlining the use of the DISC assess-
        saved! You know, for a little bit?” -Mr. Incredible     ment, lessons learned, and the impact on the district.

        Presented by: Karin Smith - Heinfeld, Meech &           Presented by: Melissa Higdon - Tavun Advisory
        Co., P.C., Andrea Cabrera - Agua Fria High School       Services, Michael S. Seaver-Executive Coach and
        District, Francie Wolfe-Baumann - Dysart Unified        Leadership Consultant, Joanne Fimbres & David
        School District & Richard Helm - Tolleson Union         Velazquez- Washington School District
        School District/West-Mec
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