Page 7 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 7
Thursday ’s Agenda
July 21, 2016
Breakout Session I Breakout Session I
Thursday 8:00 am to 10:50 am Thursday 8:00 am to 10:50 am
8:00 am - 8:50 am 9:00 am - 9:50 am
101: Auditing When you Don’t have an Internal 102: Financial Transparency: Communicating
Auditor to Board, Community and Staff
An increasing amount of compliance require- Financial transparency is a must. Community
ments exist within our universe while the number members, citizens, parents, governing boards
of crime fighters available to ensure compliance and legislators insist on a clear, understandable
has remained the same or is perhaps decreasing. way of communicating a rather complicated fi-
The internal auditor position often serves as a the nancial picture. This session will review the le-
proactive protector of district resources but not all gal requirements for transparency. Participants
districts have the luxury of this position. At this will learn requirements for annual reporting;
session we will discuss tactics for arming your ex- override reporting; bond reporting; and general
isting staff with additional powers for keeping the best practices for ensuring various stakeholder
enemy of fraud and noncompliance at bay. groups are well informed of the district financial
Presented by: Sara Kirk & Jennifer Shields - landscape.
Heinfeld, Meech, & Co., P.C. & Lizette Huie - Presented by: Karin Smith - Heinfeld, Meech
Sahuarita Unified School District & Co., P.C. & Travis Zander - Agua Fria Union
High School District
103: Same old power point? Discover new
presentation technology to keep your 104: Superman’s power source, there is still
audience engaged. hope for us, too!
Discover new presentation technology to keep In a world fraught with financial burden, the
your audience engaged. Whether it’s competi- evil utility empire would like you to think there
tion, games, or cartoons, your ideas will come is no hope, no way to remove ourselves from
alive with easy to put together, catchy presen- their clutches. And they’ve almost succeeded…
tations that interact with your audience. You’ll We fear there is no answer, no way out from
walk away with a resource that you can use in under their weapons of rising electricity costs
your current work situations or when you pres- and increasing demand charges. But, our su-
ent to an audience. perhero, the Sun, can save us all! The bright
Presented by: Sandra Schossow - Peoria Uni- light hero in the sky is here for everyone in a
fied School District time the utility empire wants to keep us in the
dark. The Sun is not dead yet, and as the vi-
ability of the Sun’s power may have seemed
to be lost to us, we know where it stands, and
9:00 am - 9:50 am how it can fight back. Solar power, from our
hero, the Sun, will prevail! Come join us as we
109: Do the Numbers Strengthen or Weaken discuss how Solar power is working at Marana
Your Superhero Powers? Unified School District and how we can partner
The data may not be villainous. A statistical with you in battling the evil utility empire.
analysis of the procurement trends in construc- Presented by: Rob Wax - Ameresco & Dan
tion. Contorno - Marana Unified School District
Presented by: Rebekah Morris AZBEX