Page 12 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 12
Thursday ’s Agenda
July 21, 2016
Refreshments and Networking Breakout Session III
Thursday 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
304: The Awesome power of Net Zero Energy Use:
Breakout Session III Tap into this relatively underutilized initiative to
Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm supercharge your district operations
School Districts across Arizona are facing unprec-
301: Don’t Let Excel Be Your Kryptonite: Excel edented budget cuts while having to improve the
Tips and Tricks for Intermediate/Advanced quality of instruction, instructional delivery and
Users student outcomes. District operations are one
Even Superman doesn’t know how to use a Piv- area where an untapped potential exists to save
ot Table. At this class we will learn how to bet- dollars, and utility costs being a subset of opera-
ter utilize Excel features such as: pivot tables, tional expenditure can account for anywhere be-
filters, Vlookup, and logical functions. This fun tween 5-10% of many school districts M & O bud-
and interactive class will help you expand your gets. Having a sensible, long-term vision to not
knowledge and expertise to be more efficient just reduce, but completely eliminate utility costs
and effective at your job. Bring your lap tops! through a Net Zero Energy and Water use initia-
Presented by: Melissa Higdon - Tavun Adviso- tive could translate into significant, and sustain-
ry Services, Lisa Smith - Dysart School District able revenue stream that can be reinvested back
& Scott Heusman - Alhambra School District into educational infrastructure to further elevate
district achievements.
We present here the case of Pendergast elementa-
302: Using Data Mining & Analytics to Detect ry School District #92. The district has embarked
Fraud and Misuse of District Monies on an ambitious plan to evaluate all of their exist-
“District Misuses Public Monies,” “Finance Di- ing facilities for long term energy savings through
rector Convicted of Embezzling $400,000 from several high efficiency measures, and also create
District,” “School District Loses $3M in Fraud a road map for future repairs, renovations, retro-
Case Involving Fake Vendors.” Have you seen fits, and new construction aimed at bringing the
headlines like these in the news? Be a Superhe- entire school district to be a Net Zero Energy and
ro for your District and learn key strategies for Water Use school district over 20 years.
digging deeply into entity financial data to de- This session will discuss the methods, targeted ar-
tect fraud. This session presents tips and tech- eas, present preliminary results, and discuss the
niques for using data mining as a strategy to roadmap put together to achieve this goal.
detect and prevent fraud and misuse of public Presented by: Brian Mee - Pendergast Elemen-
monies. Learn easy to implement excel meth- tary School District, Vispi Karanjia & Tom O’Neil &
ods for processing and analyzing data from ac- Saravanan Balasubramanian - The Orcutt | Win-
counts payable, payroll and general ledger de- slow Partnership
tect errors, fraud or misuse of funds.
Presented by: Karin Smith - Heinfeld, Meech
& Co., P.C. & Mike Martinez - Maricopa County 310: Healthcare Reform-The Future
Education Services Agency “Since 2010, the Affordable Care Act (Health-
care Reform) has had a significant impact on
the benefits landscape. We will review the
303: “Running a Tight Ship” mandates of 2016 and what is on the horizon
Food service program management trends and through 2018.”
how you can maintain financial stability through Presented by: Jennifer Moore - Meritain &
the constant changes in the School Nutrition In- Charlotte Gates - Sahuarita Unified School Dis-
dustry. trict
Presented by: Kathy Glindmeier - Paradise Valley
Unified School District