Page 10 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 10

Thursday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 21, 2016
                     Breakout Session II                                     Breakout Session II
                       2:30 pm to 3:20 pm                                     2:30 pm to 3:20 pm

        201: Supercharge Your Understanding of the              204: STEM Students and Design/Construction
                Chart of Accounts                                       Team Join Forces to Create The Ultimate
        Marvel  over  the  recent  update  to  the  USFR                Superpower
        Chart of Accounts that incorporated the guid-           How can your construction or renovation proj-
        ance  on  Capital  vs.  M&O  expenditures.  Delve       ect become a once in a lifetime opportunity to
        into coding issues that can result in calls from        teach  STEM?  How  can  you  channel  your  stu-
        us during the annual District Spending Report           dents’  creativity  and  love  of  messy,  hands-on
        preparation. Ignite your power to be your dis-          projects  into  a  learning  opportunity  and  ca-
        trict’s chart of accounts superhero!                    reer lesson? How can you show how your bond
        Presented by: Staff from the Auditor General’s          dollars  are  directly  impacting  students  in  the
        Office                                                  classroom? Come see how a Superhero Team of
                                                                educators, architects and construction manag-
                                                                ers turned an elementary school rebuild into an
        202: Gotham City Legislative Update                     ongoing class project that combined design and
        As  the  lights  dim  over  Gotham  City  and  the      construction and piqued the interest of media,
        2016 session of the Arizona Legislature comes           parents, teachers and, best of all . . . students!
        to  a  close,  this  is  your  opportunity  to  get  an   Presented by: Grenee Celuch - Concord Gen-
        in-depth review of the various enactments im-           eral Contracting, Inc., Steve Pomroy - Tempe
        pacting school finance, school capital, property        Elementary School District, David Schmidt -
        taxation and school district elections.  Whether        DLR Group - Jason Beaver - Concord General
        friend or foe, in addition to analyzing the rami-       Contracting, Inc.
        fications  for  school  districts,  we’ll  provide  a
        rundown of the Legislative shenanigans lead by
        Batman,  Batgirl,  Riddler,  Penguin,  Catwoman         205: Public School Heroes Assemble -
        and the Joker.                                                  Developing a Super Team for Your School
        Presented by: Randie Stein - Stifel, Nicolaus &                 District
        Co., Inc. & Jill Barragan - Avondale Elementary         Assembling  a  Super  Team  doesn’t  happen  by
        School District                                         accident. Learn how to build the best “Danger
                                                                Room” scenarios for your hiring process to de-
                                                                termine which heroes are the best fit for your
        203: Smart Snacks and Wellness Policies After           team. Find out how to build team cohesion and
               All the Changes                                  alignment  capable  of  overcoming  any  obsta-
        Where does your district compare to the oth-            cle. Get tips on developing sidekicks into full-
        ers?  Hear how district policies have addressed         fledged heroes. Gain insight on retaining your
        all of the new changes and requirements with            best and brightest in an era of inadequate fund-
        smart snacks and changing physical education            ing villainy. You’ll leave with a utility belt full of
        standards.                                              tools and actionable ideas to assemble the right
        Presented by: Sandra Schossow -                         Super Team for your district.
         Peoria Unified School District                         Presented by: Jay Mann & Susan Lugo -
                                                                Creighton Elementary School District
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