Page 5 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 5

Wednesday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 20, 2016
         Exciting Activities Designed for the Enjoyment of All!
        Conference activities have been planned to give you an opportunity to meet, mingle and network
        with your colleagues and the vendor representatives who have come to Tucson to make this a
        rewarding experience for everyone. You will be truly appreciative of the people who make school
        business management such a fun and worthwhile profession.

        29th Annual Mike Peacock Memorial                      Welcome Reception and Grand
        AASBO Golf Outing                                      Opening of Vendor Exposition
        7:30 am                                                5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
        Starr Pass Golf Club                                   Arizona Ballroom, Ania Terrace,
        3645 West Starr Pass Blvd., Tucson, Arizona            and Conference Center Foyers
        Golf Club Phone: (520) 670-0300
                                                               President  Jeremy  Calles  and  the  AASBO
        There’s  no  better  way  to  start  off  your  week  Board  of  Directors  invite  all  to  join  them  at
        at  the  AASBO  63rd  Annual  Conference  and   this  welcome  reception.  This  is  an  excellent
        Exposition  than  with  a  round  of  golf  at  the  opportunity  to  meet  and  mingle  in  a
        Starr Pass Golf Club; a 27-hole, Arnold Palmer   relaxed setting. You may want to visit with old
        Signature     Golf   Facility.   Play   will   begin   acquaintances  or  meet  new  ones.  Stroll  the
        promptly  at  7:30  am  with  a  shotgun  start.  aisles  of  the  exhibit  hall  and  see  the  latest
        Register online at Please check  in  products  and  services  available  to  school
        in by 7:15 am or your spot will be given away.         districts     and     charter     schools.      Light
                                                               refreshments will be served. There will also be
        The  tournament  will  be  a  two  or  four-person  door prize  drawings!
        scramble  with  each  group  selecting  the  flight       THIS WILL BE THE ONLY EXHIBITION TIME
        they want to play. Flights for the serious golfer             OPEN TO FAMILIES, CHILDREN OR
        to the beginner will allow all participants to feel                 UNREGISTERED GUESTS.
        at ease. Entry fee is $80 per person for school
        employees  and  $130  for  vendors  and  guests.
        When  registering,  please  include  applicable
        preferred  partner  and  handicap.  The  Starr
        Pass  Golf  Club  requires  the  following  attire:
        collared  golf  shirts,  no  denim  and  soft  spike
        shoes only.

                                                               Arizona Risk Rentention Trust/
                                                               AASBO Dinner
                                                               7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
                                                               Tucson Ballroom
                                                               After attending the Wecome Reception join us
                                                               for dinner at The Trust and AASBO Dinner. Eat,
                                                               Laugh and start your conference experience off
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