Page 8 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Thursday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 21, 2016
                      Breakout Session I                                      Breakout Session I
                        9:00 am - 9:50 am                                     10:00 am - 10:50 am

        105A: NAU Leadership Academy PART 1 of 2                107: Superheroes in Jeopardy!
        The  Trust  and  Northern  Arizona  University          Which team of Superhero’s will prevail? Will it
        (NAU) have partnered to offer The mini Trust/           be the Justice League of America, the Teen Ti-
        NAU  Leadership  Academy.  This  is  an  interac-       tans, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Gal-
        tive  session  at  which  participants  learn  about    axy, or perhaps the X-Men? Choose your team-
        school related legal risks. The presenters walk         mates, join forces and attempt to defeat other
        attendees through scenarios recently faced by           teams in an epic battle royale! Come join us in
        Arizona school districts with the intent of help-       a fun game of Jeopardy! Test your purchasing
        ing administrators create strategies to mitigate        knowledge,  while  you  defeat  your  friends…or
        risk and address legal issues.                          enemies. All in good fun of course!
        Presented  by:  Don  Johnsen-  Gallagher                Presented by: Mark DiBlasi & Mike Nentwig
        Kennedy,  Denise  Lowell-Britt-  Udall  Shumway         - Mohave Educational Services Cooperative  &
        & Mathew Wright - Wright, Welker, and Paoule            Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools

                                                                108: Marvel vs. DC: Different Worlds, Common
                                                                So….you don’t understand what your business
                                                                department needs or why. Let’s talk about ef-
                                                                fective communication between transportation
                                                                and the people making the decisions with your
                                                                Presented by: Stephanie Herzog - Morristown
                                                                Elementary School District & Skip Brown - Val-
                                                                ley Schools Management Group
                       10:00 am - 10:50 am

        106: The Dark World! Dealing with Today’s               110 Making Wellness Your Sidekick:
                Cyber Security Challenges In K-12               Learn more about the impact of chronic disease
        We  live  in  a  world  today  defined  by  massive     and  lifestyle  and  how  they  impact  health  risk
        expansion  of  Internet-connected  devices,  in-        status as well as employer costs.  See how Well-
        creasingly dangerous and widespread threats,            ness Programs can have an impact on helping
        and the digitization of school districts on many        to reduce indirect and direct costs by creating
        fronts. Recent trends and breaches reported in          tailored programs and targeting specific popu-
        the media consistently provide stark reminders          lation  groups  within  the  school  district.  Finish
        that more needs be done to achieve better IT            off  with  communication  strategies,  Champion
        security. All of this has driven the topic of Cy-       programs, and free resources that can be use-
        ber Security as a key issue in school districts         ful for you to start or enhance your own Well-
        around the country. We will discuss the trends          ness Program.
        in operations, threats and, exploits that serve         Presented by: Kendall Taylor - Valley Schools
        as barriers to attaining effective, sustainable IT
        security today and highlight changes we need
        to make now to help us achieve it.                      105B: NAU Leadership Academy PART 2 of 2
        Presented  by:  David  Sanders  -  Mesa  Public         See 105A Description Above
        Schools, Saro Hayan - Hye Tech Network & Se-
        curity Solutions, LLC & Jeremy Stanley   -  Cisco
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