Page 11 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 11
Thursday ’s Agenda
July 21, 2016
Breakout Session II Breakout Session II
2:30 pm to 3:20 pm 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
206: Up-Up-and Away! Strategic Planning to 208: Looking at giving the old ways we
Get Technology Soaring communicate a BOOM POW!
Avondale Elementary School District #44 re- In today’s world how can we get through to
cently found their Technology super-power in our students, parents, coworkers, and other
the most unlikely of places. Attend this session departments? Today’s session will show how a
to learn how they changed their planning and different approach in communication with each
processes and along the way discovered how other can help gain support throughout the dis-
to gain new traction and increase momentum trict for a Positive Behavior culture. As more
to make mobile devices soar to new heights in districts are working to implement a different
their classrooms. approach towards our students, we need to
Presented by: Mark Gresko - Avondale El- look at ourselves and how we communicate to
ementary School District & Dr. Kelly Stewart - each other. As your departments feel the sup-
Avondale Elementary School District port internally you will see the change and total
buy-in. This is different look at how we com-
municate with each other can make or break
207: Debunking Evil Myths Within Procurement a successful district-wide system change. The
Tired of hearing villainous half truths about is- effort that you put in can build an infrastructure
sues facing procurement. Learn the difference to support a culture that has staff and students
between rule, rumor, fact and fiction. Decide for not only welcome the change but are able to
yourself what to do for your entity, but make promote a positive and supported culture. Be
the decision based on the rules and your own the champion for your TEAM!
“Best Practice” methodology. Don’t get caught Presented by: Lori Mora & Ginny Fish - Wash-
in someone else’s battles. This session is strict- ington Elementary School District
ly informational for handling some potentially
“grey” areas.
Presented by: Bill Munch - Valley Schools 209: The SFB - To Serve and Protect
Management Group & Gary Barkman - Mesa A panel discussion with the School Facilities
Public Schools Board Members to gain better understanding of
the SFB. This is an opportunity for districts of-
ficials and vendors to ask questions
Presented by: David Kennon, Dan Demland,
Pat Cruse, Gerry Bruer & Phil Williams - Arizo-
na School Facilities Board
210: New and Updated Energy Saving
There have been many new energy efficiencies
developed in lighting and water that can save
considerable dollars in operational costs. This
presentation will present new and upgraded
technologies that are available now.
Presented by: Ron Stalica & Ben Madsen -
Midstate Energy