Page 13 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 13
Thursday ’s Agenda
July 21, 2016
Breakout Session III Breakout Session III
Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
305: To Retirement and Beyond! 307: Superhero’s don’t Negotiate
In an environment where School Districts are In the complex world of good and evil there
having their Retirement Plans audited by the is always the need to negotiate so the Super-
IRS, what are YOU doing to fend off the audi- hero’s can do their jobs, because we all know
tors and emerge victorious? Join a panel of “Superhero’s don’t Negotiate”. Behind every
your friendly 403b/457b providers as we take superhero is the purchasing agent who negoti-
you on a journey through space and time, and ates their needed equipment, supplies and or
share with you best practices on how you can services. Batman has Alfred Pennyworth; his
wave your flag and say, “YES, I am in compli- butler, Ironman has Pepper Potts; Secretary/
ance! My Retirement Plans are rock solid, and personal aid, and School districts have their
no audit will bring me down!” purchasing staff. In this session learn negoti-
Presented by: Philip Kim - AXA Equitable, ating strategies on how to support your own
April Young - TSA Consulting Group, Robert heroes by learning the latest nonverbal nego-
Young -PlanMember, Jim Bishopp - VOYA, tiation tactics and strategies, how to set an ef-
Adam Pearce - Legend Group, Tim Whitney - fective deal design, foster win-win agreements,
Met Life, Mike Lager - VALIC and Brenda Hen- and how to avoid bargaining with Lex Luthor. It
ning -Forestor’s Financial is reported that 60% to 70% of the benefits of
negotiations go to the more skilled negotiator
(Dobler & Burt). Don’t be the one to hinder Su-
306: Preparing Our Students for their Days of perman’s ability to fly. Join me on an adventure
Future, not our Past to intensify and practice your negotiation skills.
65 percent of today’s students, will be em- Presented by: Peggy A. Ferrin, CPPB - Tempe
ployed in jobs that have yet to be created. They Union High School District
have lived their entire lives connected to the
“Cerebro” of our society with access to infor-
mation and people in ways once never thought 308: Even Guardians of the Galaxy Can’t
possible. Yet our current education system col- Defend All Accidents!
lectively has not appropriately addressed and A comprehensive look at bus accidents and un-
taken advantage of this. We have not been ad- intentional blindness. Try not to need super-
equately preparing students for what’s next, powers to avoid an accident.
failing to encourage utilization of 21st century Presented by: Shanna Bailey - The Trust &
skills like problem solving and the Fantastic Four Ernie Meza - Deer Valley Unified School District
C’s of the Modern Era (Critical Thinking, Com-
munication, Collaboration and Creativity) while
infusing technology as a tool in our classrooms.
Please join Mike Patterson, a K-12 Education 309: Make Sure Your Super Money doesn’t get
Strategist, for a thought provoking conversa- perceived as Super Kryptonite
tion on preparing our students for their Days of A panel discussion of obtaining donations for
Future, and not our past. your school while insuring they do not impact
Presented by: Michael Patterson - CDWG procurement results.
Presented by: Paul Winslow, FAIA - Winslow
+ Partners Architects, John McCurry - Roofing
Southwest, Charlie Bowers - Centennial Con-
tractors & Bobette Sylvester-McCarroll - Mesa
Public Schools