Page 17 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 17

Friday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 22, 2016
        Super Hero Hustle Fun Run and Walk

        6:45 am Meet at Starr Pass Circle
        Sponsored by Valley Schools Management Group
        Need to Boost Your Superpowers? Put on your cape and start the day off with our family-oriented
        fun run. Exercise is an important part in any superhero training program and studies suggest that
        not only can it help boost power, but it can improve heart health and relieve stress. This one-mile
        event involves a MARVELous walk/jog around the grounds at the JW Marriott Starr Pass. Participa-
        tion includes a super cool free (AASBO) shirt for adults and kids. In addition, participants of all ages
        have an opportunity to win valuable gift cards!
        Gift Cards will be awarded to:
        ·  Most INCREDIBLE Outfit           ·  Most MARVELOUS Mojo
        ·  Most WONDERFUL Walker         ·   Most DYNAMIC DUO

        Participation is free and is open to all AASBO members, their families and exhibitors. Place a bet on
        better health and join us for an hour of fitness and fun!Come join us! A light breakfast of Grab and
        Go items will be available at the circle!

        Morning Activity                                       AASBO Exhibition

        7:00 am to 8:30 am                                     8:00 am to 11:00 am
        Grab  a  bite  from  our  fabulous  continen-          Arizona Ballroom, Conference
        tal  breakfast  and  attend  your  choice  of  two   Center Foyer, and Ania Terrace
        informative morning sessions.
                                                               There  will  be  door  prize  drawings  throughout
        Zumba®: The Original Dance-Fitness Party               the time the exhibition is open. Admission is by
                                                               conference badge.
        7:30 am to 8:30 am
        Power up your morning and bring in your moves.               PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN OR
        Are  you  ready  to  party  yourself  into  shape?           UNREGISTERED INDIVIDUALS TO THE
        Forget  the  workout,  just  lose  yourself  in                          EXHIBIT AREAS.
        the  music  and  find  yourself  in  shape  at  the
        original  dance-fitness  party.  Zumba®  feature       Voting-
        exotic  rhythms  set  to  high-energy  Latin  and
        international  beats.  Before  you  know  it,  you’ll   AAS BO Board of Directors
        be  getting  fit  and  your  energy  levels  will  be
        soaring!  It’s  easy  to  do,  effective  and  totally   8:00 am to 10:00 am
        exhilarating.                                          Cast your ballot for your desired candidate for
                                                               AASBO  Board  of  Directors.  Positions  open  for
        Presented by: Marlon Flamenco, Littleton               election in 2016 are:
        Elementary School District
                                                               Voted on by Active School Business Officials
                                                                  •  Vice President
                                                                  •  Treasurer
                                                                  •  Director of Business Administration
                                                                  •  Director of Educational Programs
                                                                  •  Director of Maintenance & Operations
                                                                  •  Director of Transportation
                                                                  •  Director of Member Services
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