Page 19 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 19

Friday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 22, 2016
                     Breakout Session IV                                     Breakout Session IV
                  Friday 8:00 am to 10:50 am                              Friday 8:00 am to 10:50 am

                        9:00 am - 9:50 am                                     10:00 am - 10:50 am

        407: Paperless Purchasing - Become the Super
                Hero for Your District by Streamlining Your     402: The Bond Finance Process: A Successful
               Purchasing Process                                       Case-Study
        In today’s economy, managing documents has              Understanding  the  Bond  Financing  Process  -
        become a key factor in controlling cost and in-         planning, implementation and outcomes
        creasing  productivity  in  the  workplace.Learn        This session will be based on a successful case
        how  Paradise  Valley  Unified  School  District’s      study of the  Marana School District’s Bond Fi-
        Purchasing Department utilized its Super Pow-           nancing  process.  The  program  is  designed  to
        ers to streamline their procurement process by          give  a  helpful  overview  for  districts  looking
        accepting  electronic  proposal  submittals  and        ahead at their financing and facilities planning
        electronic evaluations through innovative tech-         options.    The    case  studies  will  include  strat-
        nology.                                                 egy and planning elements. Getting to the point
        Presented by: Claudia Leon & Lina Ardizzone             of selling bonds includes a needs assessment,
        - Paradise Valley Unified School District               community input, establishing the parameter-
                                                                sof  financing,  the  bond  election,  the  design/
                                                                build process itself and the bond sale program.

                       10:00 am - 10:50 am                      The approach of this discussion is a holistic un-
                                                                derstanding of  the financing process, how vari-
        401: “With Great Power Comes Great                      ous members of the District’s staff are engaged,
                 Responsibility” Using the Extracurricular      the role of the planner/architect, and how the
                 Activity Tax Credit Legally                    financing  needs  and  capacities  are  integral  to
        School lawyers Tom Pickrell and Kristin Mackin          the planning. The presenters include a member
        will  review  the  legal  requirements  for  use  of    of the bond financing team, the superintendent
        public  school  fees  and  donations  that  qualify     and the planner/architect.
        for the Arizona income tax credit for extracur-         Presented by: Paul Winslow, FAIA - Winslow
        ricular activities, character education and col-        +  Partners  Architects,  Dr.  Doug  Wilson  -  Ma-
        lege/CTE testing.  Common pitfalls, innovative          rana  Unified  School  District  &  Brian  Lundberg
        uses, and legislative developments relating to          - Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
        the ECA tax credit will be discussed.
        Presented  by:  Tom  Pickrell  -  Mesa  Public          403: Foodservice AFR
        Schools & Kristin Mackin - Sims Murray, LTD             Attend a refresher on how to accurately com-
                                                                plete the Foodservice Annual Financial Report.
                                                                Presented by: Nicholas Dunford - ADE

                                                                410: AASBO College Degree Programs
                                                                Learn  about  exciting  opportunities  to  achieve
                                                                Associates,  Bachelors  and/or  Masters  degrees
                                                                at reduced tuition rates through AASBO’s part-
                                                                nerships with Central Arizona College and Ot-
                                                                tawa University. A representative from Ottawa
                                                                will be available for questions.
                                                                Presented  by:  Jeff  Gadd  -  AASBO  &  Leslie
                                                                Montecuollo - Ottawa University
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