Page 23 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 23

Friday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 22, 2016
            Refreshments and Networking                                      Breakout Session VI
                   Friday 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm                              Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm

                     Breakout Session VI                        604: The Superpower like benefits of On-Call
                   Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm                            procurement of Design Professional
        601: How to Put Punch Into Your Presentations           How can school districts be Heroes by maximiz-
        Learn to use the most dynamic duos of Prezi and         ing the benefits of on-call design professional
        Piktochart to bring power to your presentations.        services to reduce project cost, minimize risk,
        This  interactive,  hands  on  demonstration  will      and  shorten  project  delivery  schedules?  This
        promise to thrill and amaze you!  Join us on this       session will review what is allowable for direct
        learning adventure.                                     On-Call Design Professional Services under AZ
        Presented by: Bobette Sylvester-McCarroll -             state  procurement  law  and  explore  common
        Mesa Public Schools                                     strategies and potential pitfalls.
                                                                The presenters will engage the audience in a fa-
                                                                cilitated dialogue using case studies to illustrate
        602: Elections & School Districts: How to be the        what  has  worked  and  not  worked  well  when
                Hero                                            working  with  an  on-call  provider.  The  session
        Wonder  Twin  Powers,  Activate!  A  successful         will provide input from the provider’s perspec-
        campaign to pass a bond or override election.           tive/experience, and will present considerations
        This  session  will  cover  the  basics  of  choosing   for structuring the procurement and managing
        election  dates,  types  of  elections,  marketing      the on-call relationship from both the district’s
        the election and transparency throughout and            and provider’s perspective.
        after the process.                                      The  presentation  will  also  compare  direct  on-
        Presented by: Lana Berry & Joel Wirth - Chan-           call procurement to procurement through col-
        dler Unified School District                            laborative purchasing entities and examine the
                                                                pros  and  cons  of  direct  on-call  procurement,
                                                                collaborative  purchasing  procurement,  and
        603: Creating a Healthy School Metropolis               standalone RFQ project procurement.
        Let our League of Dynamic Dietitians give your          Presented  by:  Benjamin  Gardner,  AIA,  LEED
        ideas on how to create a healthy school envi-           AP, Scott Sowinski - Dekker/Perich/Sabatini Ltd.
        ronment to meet the requirements of your dis-           & John Muir  Cave Creek Unified School District
        trict’s  wellness  policy.  This  session  will  show
        you best practice examples of the great things
        Arizona schools are doing to improve nutrition,         606: Harness the Power of Going Mobile
        wellness  and  physical  activity.  We  have  seen      Worldwide mobile app downloads amounted to
        some amazing changes over the years. Togeth-            approximately 2.52 billion in 2009 and are ex-
        er we can use our superhero powers to create            pected to reach 268.69 billion in 2017. In other
        a healthier school environment for the children         words, the world is going mobile – time to climb
        of our future.                                          aboard… In this interactive session we will ex-
        Presented by: Kristi Mollner - Department of            plore  how  the  Hyperlocal  universe  that  mere
        Public Health                                           mortals  refer  to  as  schools,  can  benefit  from
                                                                innovative technology that is available today as
                                                                well as what the future holds. We will demystify

        605: ACA Updates and Compliance                         Beacons, NFC, RFID, pkpass, AI, AR and VR and
        This presentation will review ACA mandates, up-         set the course to discover new possibilities of
        dates and ways to stay compliant moving for-            going mobile.
        ward.                                                   Presented by: Thomas Hallin - ITM Mobile
        Presented  by:  Phil  Tavasci  &  Tom  Hancock-
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