Page 24 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 24
Friday ’s Agenda
July 22, 2016
Breakout Session VI
Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm Avengers Assemble!
607: Questions to Ask When Outsourcing
Understanding what questions to ask your end AASBO ’s Super Hero
users and customers when planning to out-
source services. Family Affair!
Presented by: Bonnie Gonzalez- H2 Group &
Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High School Dis-
608: You don’t need X-Ray vision when you
have the right video equipment on your
Video can protect the district and also give you
training opportunities. Have the right equip-
ment to maximize your transportation depart-
Presented by: Malinda Sandu - Seon & Bert
Herzog - Washington Elementary School District
610: Public Records and it’s application to
current technology (Texting, Email, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Facebook, etc) Tucson Ballroom & Ania Terrace
Understanding public records law and how it re-
lates to the newest forms of technology is very *food served until 8:00 pm
important in today’s Villain-filled world. Arm
yourself with Superhero knowledge. A family affair! Join us as we present this final
Presented by: Clyde Dangerfield & Aaron evening event, an AASBO signature dinner event
Brown - Cantelme & Brown & Ken Hicks - Peo- open to all conference attendees and their fami-
ria Unified School District lies!
Children’s Dessert
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Ania Terrace
Join us as we watch our President-Elect’s Favor-
ite superhero movie! Dessert will be served!