Page 20 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 20

Friday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 22, 2016
                                                                Second General Session and Luncheon

                     11:15 am to 2:15 pm                        11:15 am to 2:15 pm
             General Session & Keynote Address                  Tucson Ballroom
                      by: Luis F. Cruz, PhD
                                                                             Dr. Luis F. Cruz

                                                                    Biography About Dr. Luis F. Cruz

        Note: The First and Second General Session will         Luis F. Cruz, PhD, is former principal of Baldwin Park High
                                                                School, located east of Los Angeles, California. He has
        begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon service      been a teacher and administrator at the elementary, mid-
        followed by keynote program speakers. Attendees         dle, and high school levels. Dr. Cruz presents on methods
        are requested to be on time and to stay for the en-     from the best-selling book Transforming School Culture by
        tire session to minimize disruption.                    Anthony Muhammad.
                                                                In 2007, Dr. Cruz led a collective effort to secure a
                                                                $250,000 grant for Baldwin Park from the California Aca-
                                                                demic Partnership Program for the purpose of effectively
                                                                utilizing “courageous leadership” to promote a more equi-
                                                                table and effective organization.
                                                                Since becoming a public school educator, Dr. Cruz has
                                                                won the New Teacher of the Year, Teacher of the Year,
                                                                Administrator of the Year, and other community leadership
                                                                awards. He and a committee of teacher leaders at Baldwin
                                                                Park received California’s prestigious Golden Bell Award
                                                                from the California School Boards Association for signifi-
                                                                cantly closing the achievement gap between the general
                                                                student population and students learning English as a
                                                                second language.
                                                                As a recipient of the Hispanic Border Leadership Institute’s
                                                                fellowship for doctoral studies, he earned a doctorate in
                                                                institutional leadership and policy studies from the Uni-
                                                                versity of California Riverside. He earned an associate’s
                                                                degree from Mount San Antonio Community College, a
                                                                bachelor’s degree from California State University, Ful-
                                                                lerton, and a master’s degree from Claremont Graduate
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