Page 18 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 18

Friday ’s Agenda

                                                     July 22, 2016
                     Breakout Session IV                                     Breakout Session IV
                  Friday 8:00 am to 10:50 am                              Friday 8:00 am to 10:50 am

                        8:00 am - 8:50 am                                       9:00 am - 9:50 am

        408: The Fantastic Four are not only Super Hero’s,      405: The Garnishment Returns! Learn How to
                they can also be the only thing keeping you             Battle this Foe from the Comfort of Your
                from having an accident!                                Desk!
        Having a good preventative maintenance program          A good villain is never vanquished and it’s only a
        doesn’t stop at the engines on your buses. Take a       matter of time before The Garnishment makes
        good look at the tires you are using to make sure       his nefarious return.  Swing by the dry cleaners
        you are not taking un-necessary risks.                  to pick up your cape before we outfit you with
        Presented by: Larry Rhodes - Redburn Tires &            a utility belt full of resources to protect this fair
        Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary School Dis-         city.  Learn about the laws and regulations af-
        trict                                                   fecting garnishment cases and what you need
                                                                to do in order to stay in the clear of any legal
                                                                trouble.  Don’t be caught off-guard!
        409: Utilizing The Power Of Local Avengers For          Presented by: Elsa Perez & Mike Martinez -
                Your District                                   Maricopa County Education Services Agency
        Helping your local sub contracting heroes to be-
        come a part of your districts team.
        Presented by: Jessica Clanton & Justin Her-             406: The Director says we’re finally going
        mann - Sun Valley Builders & Cheryl Burt -                      Google, so how do we S.H.I.E.L.D.
        Tolleson Union High School                                       ourselves from getting the wrong devices?
                                                                The old regime is falling and a new one is being
                        9:00 am - 9:50 am                       born from its ashes. It’s time to “Hero Up” and
                                                                move the Agency into a new area...but how do
        404: X-Ray Vision into Remaking the American            we do that? What Super Powers and Gadgets
                High School through the XQ Prize                will we need to make that happen? Where can
        What will high schools look like in 20 years? Will      we find allies to help us in our transition? Is it
        there even be high schools? Parallel to planning        true when they say “Cut off one limb and two
        Agua Fria’s new high school, the team pursued           more shall take its place!”? Can the Helicarrier
        the  XQ  Super  School  Prize:  a  contest  under-      handle this much of a load?  Assemble to learn
        written by the widow of Steve Jobs to reimag-           how a rural District, one that has been partially
        ine the American high school. Bring your bionic         using Google for years, finally made the deci-
        hearing and learn how the contest encouraged            sion to dive in and make them an ally.
        educators,  administrators  and  architects  to         Presented by: Larry Fullmer - Chino Valley
        think beyond bricks and mortar, and reimagine           Unified School District
        an education that will better prepare students
        for the challenges they face now and into the
        remainder of the 21st Century.
        Presented by: David Schmidt & Pam Loeffel-
        man, FAIA -DLR Group & Dr. Dennis Runyan -
        Agua Fria Union High School District
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