Page 21 - 63rd Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 21
Friday ’s Agenda
July 22, 2016
Breakout Session V Breakout Session V
Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
501: Grants Management from the Business 504: Preventive Maintenance through
Office Perspective Energy Management Control System
Would you like to be a superhero in managing (EMCS) Data Tracking
grants for your district? This class will explain The presentation explains the effective use of
the Grants Management System from a District EMCS data to:
Office Perspective. Come learn how to help 1) Diagnose and report HVAC system opera-
your staff who manage grants on a day to day tional issues.
basis as they submit applications, revisions, re- 2) Report HVAC system operational pattern.
imbursement requests, and completion reports. 3) Track HVAC system performance for preven-
We will offer practical strategies and solutions tive maintenance.
to help ensure that your grants are successful. Presented by: Sameer Pandey - BESP &
Presented by: Linda Virgil - Peoria Unified Richard Oros - Tolleson Union High School Dis-
School District & Scott Heusman - Alhambra trict
School District
505: Defined Benefit Plans in the Crosshairs
502: AASBO’s New Data Collection Project An ASRS financial health update and a review
Marvel at AASBO’s new dashboards created of legislative activities, both in-state and na-
by the SHIELD Agents. The strategic highly in- tionally, affecting defined benefit plans. We will
formed and engaged league of developers will also discuss the outside influences that posture
unveil the latest creations and give you an op- the DB vs. DC debate.
portunity to influence future dashboards. Presented by: Patrick M. Klein - Arizona State
Presented by: Jeremy Calles - Kyrene School Retirement System
District, Jill Barragan - Avondale Elementary
School District & Ken Hicks - Peoria Unified
School District 506: Guardians of the Cyber Galaxy
Basic but Critical Security Controls for Effec-
tive Cyber Defense. We hear of massive data
503: Alternatives to BIC and Accuracy When losses for big and small corporations that cost
Using BIC millions to recover from. Theft of intellectual
If you have a review coming soon and you use property, credit card breaches, threats to our
BIC, learn how Paradise Valley USD has worked privacy and denial of service (DDoS) – these
to ensure accurate counts and decreased waste have become a way of life for all of us in the
with BIC. If you want everyone eating but your Galaxy (cyberspace). As defenders or Guard-
school won’t agree to BIC, find out how Peoria ians of the Cyber Galaxy we have access to an
USD implemented their EAT Breakfast program array of security tools and technology, security
to have everyone Eating All Together in the standards, guidance, best practices, catalogs of
Cafe! You’ll also hear changes to the Roosevelt security controls and recommendations. There
program as well. is no shortage of information available to secu-
Presented by: Camille Soule - Paradise Valley rity practitioners on what they should do to se-
Unified School District & Kylie Knapp - Peoria cure their infrastructure. This session will cover
Unified School District basic security controls for reducing the attack
surface by hardening device configuration and
network infrastructure.
Presented by: David Sanders - Mesa Public