Page 2 - 2020 Winter Conference
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         BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                  PURCHASING
                    101: What are all these agreements for?                   102: Conflict of Interest
                            IGAs, MOUs, Facility Use Agreements               202: 2019 Arizona School District
                            and Data Sharing Agreements                               Procurement Rules Revisions
                    201: The new Rs of Education: Retention,                  302: Federal Requirements
                            Risk, Regulation, & Records Requests              402: Bid Evaluations - How To’s on
                    301: Transportation Reporting - Are You                           Conducting Evaluations &
                            Moving in the Right Direction?                            Managing an Evaluation Committee
                    401: Cyber Security Overview and Best
         ACCOUNTING                                               STATE/FEDERAL ISSUES
                    103: Accounting Basics: The Logic Behind                  103: Procurement, Travel, Time & Effort
                            Journal Entries                                           Policies & Procedures
                    203: Remote Auditing                                      203: Bond and Override Elections
                    303: Public School Tax Credit Update                              Compliance - State and Federal
                    403: My Auditor Didn’t Tell Me That                       303: Unraveling the New W4 and FLSA
                                                                              403: 1099-MISC Staying in Compliance
                                                                                       and Out of Trouble
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