Page 6 - 2020 Winter Conference
P. 6
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
301: Transportation Reporting - 302: Federal Dollars
Are You Moving in the Right When you spend federal dollars you add a
Direction? whole new level of compliance on top of the typ-
Transportation reporting can run off course at ical specifications in your terms and conditions.
times. It is important to understand the required This session will cover the general federal
reporting requirements on both route miles and requirements also known as EDGAR and touch
eligible students. Including allowable contracted on ERate and Food Service issues.
transportation may take you on a detour along
the way. This session will review the require- Speakers: Ana Guerrero - Phoenix Elementary
ments of transportation reporting but also pro- School District & Caroline Brackley -
vide practical tools to take back to your district Professional Group Public Consulting
that have been successful with small and large
districts. Effective internal auditing procedures
will be discussed so you can get your transporta-
tion reporting moving in the right direction.
Speakers: Ernie Meza - Deer Valley Unified 304: FLSA Changes W4
School District & Mike Fisher - Littleton January brought about some significant chang-
Elementary School District & es to the payroll world. The Tax Cuts and Jobs
Irene Garcia-Hobbs - Arizona Department of Act was signed in December 2017, personal and
Education dependent exemptions were suspended through
2025. This tax bill also significantly altered how
itemized deductions are claimed on personal
303: Public School Tax Credit Update tax returns. As a result, the W-4 form has been
Discussion of HB 2425 which expands the defi- revised. Does your payroll team know how to
nitions of allowable programs under the public process these new forms? Do your employees
school tax credit. Will also review yearly report- understand the key aspects of filling out this
ing requirements due February 28th. form? If this change wasn’t enough, the Depart-
ment of Labor also made a significant change to
Speakers: Elizabeth St. Clair & Larry the wage basis test related to exempt vs non-ex-
Guilliford - Arizona Department of Revenue empt employees. This session will review these
changes and how to ensure your district is com-
pliant with these new requirements.
Speakers: Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech &
Mike Martinez - The Maricopa County School
Superintendent’s Office
Mike Fisher Caroline Brackley
Littleton Elementary School Professional Group Public
District Consulting