Page 7 - 2020 Winter Conference
P. 7
2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
401: Cyber Security Overview and 402: Bid Evaluations - How To’s on
Best Practices Conducting Evaluations & Managing
an Evaluation Committee
The session will explore the various types of cy-
ber security threats and statistics about how they Join us to discuss the bid evaluation process
occur and their impact to our districts and com- used to select the right vendor for a project.
munities. Relevant state and federal statutes re- • Selection of your evaluation panel
lated to security and data privacy (compliance • Developing of your evaluation matrix
and awareness). Best practices and tips for dis- • Scoring Proposals
trict personnel as well as District IT departments. • Final Vendor Selection
Peoria Unified School District will discuss how
the district has begun to address cyber security Speakers: Marty Topham & Eva Dino -
concerns from a strategic plan, policy, and prac- Scottsdale Unified School District
tice perspective.
Speakers: Michelle Myers & John Gay -
Peoria Unified School District
404: 1099-MISC Staying in
Compliance and Out of Trouble
403: My Auditor Didn’t Tell Me That!
The Who/What/Where/When/Why of 1099-MISC
Compliance is a big, complicated word. As school reporting requirements and best practices.
district business professionals, we experience
a number of different types of audits. It seems Speakers: Alejandra Rios - Maricopa Unified
during each audit, we learn a new compliance School District & Aaron Vix - Aaron Vix, CPA,
requirement. This session will review some of CFE
the lesser known local, state and federal require-
ments that may never come up in an audit, but
are still a requirement of school districts.
Speakers: Daniel O’Brien - Mesa Public
Schools & Karin Smith - Heinfeld, Meech &
Co., P.C.
Eva Dino Aaron Vix
Scottsdale Unified School Aaron Vix, CPA, CFE