Page 4 - 2020 Winter Conference
P. 4
10:10 AM - 11:00 AM
101: What are all these agreements 102: Conflict of Interest
for? IGAs, MOUs, Facility Use When conflict of interest Statements need to be
Agreements and Data Sharing filled out and when they do not.
Schools Districts work extensively with the com- Speakers: Tammy Delgado - Glendale
munity and other public entities in a variety of Elementary School District & Cheryl Burt -
ways--all of which require some written agree- Buckeye Elementary School District
ment. This session will discuss the types of
agreements commonly used and practical tips
on how to avoid future liability or challenges for
your District.
104: Procurement, Travel, Time &
Speakers: Karla Soto & Rosalie Soviero Effort Policies & Procedures
- Roosevelt Elementary School District & Are you in compliance with federal and state re-
Carrie O’Brien - Gust Rosenfeld, PLC
quirements for your expenditures utilizing federal
funds? Did you know that all LEAs must have a
written procurement policy which at a minimum
103: Accounting Basics: The Logic meets the states requirements? In addition, if
Behind Journal Entries any federal funds were expended for travel, you
Accounting rules don’t always make sense, es- must also have a travel policy in place. Come
pecially if they didn’t teach it in school. Come to and join us for a session that will provide an
this session to learn the concepts behind journal overview on the policies and procedures Grants
entries, why you do a debit and credit, and how Management’s Fiscal Monitoring team is asking
to figure out the entry needed to correct a past for when conducting a Fiscal Monitoring of fed-
transaction or close out activity from an account. eral grants. We will discuss what your internal
policies and procedures should cover in regards
Speakers: Tracy Rockwell- The Office of to procurement, travel and time & effort.
Maricopa County School Superintendent &
Melissa Higdon - Forecast5 Analytics Speakers: Katarina Pena & Myrna Rodriguez
- Arizona Department of Education
Tammy Delgado Tracy Rockwell
Glendale Elementary The Office of Maricopa County
School District School Superintendent