Page 5 - 2020 Winter Conference
P. 5


         11:05 AM - 11:55 AM
         BREAKOUT SESSION II                                     202: 2019 Arizona School District

                                                                         Procurement Rules Revisions
        201: The new R’s of Education:                           A  group  of  dedicated  procurement  officials
                Retention, Risk, Regulation, &                   across the school districts have been working for
                Records Requests                                 many months with representatives of the Audi-
                                                                 tor General, the Attorney General, and the State
        Near the beginning  of the 19th century, the “3          Board of Education to revise our School District
        Rs of Education” were born; originally referring         Procurement Rules. These revisions should be
        to “Reading,  wRiting, and aRithmetic.” In to-           embraced by the school community as they are
        day’s  day and age, districts  have new “Rs”  to         the result of recommendations by those of us in
        deal with as it pertains to critical district records:   the procurement trenches. The goal of the rules
        Retention, Risk, Regulation, and Records Re-             revision committee was to simplify wherever
        quests. If records management isn’t being done           possible and make the  school district  procure-
        optimally, there are real costs to the districts as      ment a little easier. Come find out what changes
        well  as some potential  liability  and compliance       have been made to the procurement rules that
        consequences. We will discuss these costs and            will make your procurement dreams come true.
        risks, how to assess your current records man-
        agement processes, and strategies to improve             Speakers: Gary Barkman - Mesa Unified
        them, regardless of what stage your district is at       School District & Bill Munch - Valley Schools
        with records management.

        Speakers: Linda Virgil - Peoria Unified School
        District & Erica Gentile  - ICM Document
        Solutions                                                204: Bond and Override Elections
                                                                         Compliance - State and Federal

                                                                 This session will cover State and Federal com-
                                                                 pliance requirements from the period leading up
        203: Remote Auditing                                     to an election call through election day, including

        Learn the pros and cons of Remote Auditing.              use of exploratory committees, dos and don’ts,
                                                                 voter pamphlet requirements and more.

        Speakers: Dane Baxter  - Glendale Union High
        School District & Eugene Park  - Heinfeld,               Speakers: Laura Felten  - Paradise Valley
        Meech & Co., P.C.                                        Unified School District Randie Stein - Stifel,
                                                                 Nicolaus & Company & James Giel - Gust
                                                                 Rosenfeld PLC

        Eugene Park                  Gary Barkman
        Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C.  Mesa Public Schools
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