Page 9 - 2020 Winter Conference
P. 9
CONFERENCE Joint Conference Discount:
The Vendor/Buyer Conference and the Winter
Conference on Audit and Compliance are being
offered back to back at the same location. The
Vendor/Buyer Conference is Tuesday, January
MEMBERS 28, 2020 and the Winter Conference is Wednes-
day, January 29, 2020.
Both are to be held at the Black Canyon Con-
ference Center in Phoenix, AZ. AASBO would
like to offer a discount on registration to those
who register for both events. Combined confer-
ence rate will be $190 for members and $280 for
Location: non-members.
Black Canyon Conference Center Registration discount will end Friday, January 3,
9440 N 25th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85021 2020. The rate after will be $210 for members
and $300 for non-members.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES: Registration is available online both to members
$105 for members and $195 for non-members and non-members at
through Friday, January 3, 2020. Registration
fee includes continental breakfast, refreshments,
lunch, and conference materials. Seating is limit- Non-members: If you would like to attend this
ed due to room capacity. Register early to ensure conference, have never attended an AASBO
availability. event, and do not wish to become an active
Registration discount will end Friday, January 3, member, please go to and click
2020. The rate after will be $115 for members and on the “Join Now” link at the top. Then, select the
$205 for non-members. “Non-Member” option. This will take you through
the steps to register with our website. This will
enable you to register for any event we have,
Cancellation Policy: but will not give you access to the members only
Cancellations will be accepted up to Wednesday, pages. Once you have registered with our web-
January 15, 2020 with refunds being issued minus site, please log-in and follow the steps below in
a $25 processing fee. CANCELLATIONS MUST the “Members” instructions.
SHOWS will be charged the full conference reg- Members: Go to and log-in. For
istration fee. There will be NO REFUNDS FOR login and password assistance, please call the
NO SHOWS. AASBO office at 602-253-5576. Click on the
“Calendar of Events” icon. The conference will
be listed on this calendar, in chronological order.