Page 2 - 2016 Winter Conference
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Schedule Of Events

                   8:00 AM - 9:00 AM                              Conference Keynote Speaker

         Registration & Continental Breakfast
                                                                          Keith DeGreen, J.D. CFP
                                                                       DeGreen Capital Management LLC
                    9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

           Welcome & Conference Overview
                                                                  Named one of the top 100 Investment Advi-
                                                                  sors in the U.S., Keith founded DeGreen Cap-
                   9:15 AM - 10:05 AM                             ital Management in 2009 after flunking retire-
          General Session & Keynote Address                       ment.  In  2006  Keith  sold  DeGreen  Wealth

                                                                  Management,  an  investment  advisory  firm
                  10:10 AM - 11:00 AM                             in Scottsdale, Arizona, with $640,000,000 of

                     Breakout Session I                           assets under management. Keith was host of
                                                                  Arizona’s most popular investment show for
                                                                  more than 25 years, on NewsTalk 550 KFYI.
                  11:05 AM - 11:55 AM                             Keith was Arizona’s Republican candidate for

                     Breakout Session II                          U.S. Senate in 1988. He was a candidate for
                                                                  Governor in 2005 but withdrew due to a fami-
                                                                  ly illness. Keith has been a Certified Financial
                   12:00 PM - 1:00 PM                             Planner since 1987. He earned his law degree

                              Lunch                               at The University of Cincinnati School of Law

                                                                  approximately 100 years ago (or so it seems),
                     1:00 PM - 1:50 PM                            and earned his undergraduate degree at Mi-
                    Breakout Session III                          ami University of Ohio. He is a member of the
                                                                  State Bar of Arizona. Keith served in Vietnam

                     1:50 PM - 2:05 PM                            with the United States Marine Corps. He re-
                                                                  ceived the Purple Heart and earned the rank of
                              Break                               Sergeant. After living full-time in Arizona for

                                                                  nearly 30 years, in 2007, Keith, his wife Lynn,
                     2:10 PM - 3:00 PM                            and their two youngest sons, relocated to “the

                    Breakout Session IV                           financial capital of the world”, Chagrin Falls,
                                                                  Ohio (pop. 5000). The family also has a home
                            3:00 PM                               in Scottsdale. Keith regularly commutes be-

                         Adjournment                              tween Ohio and Phoenix. He is the proud fa-
                                                                  ther of five children and four grandchildren.
                                                                  His children range in age from 44 to 17. Keith
                                                                  is obviously a financial-, not a family, planner.
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