Page 4 - 2016 Winter Conference
P. 4

Winter Conference 2016

                 Breakout Session I                                       Breakout Session I

        101: Best Practices for Efficient                        301: FTE--How to Properly

               Effective Audit                                           Calculate High School FTE

        This presentation will give an introduction to
        the nunaces of how to prepare before your au-            This  presentation  will  provide  an  overview
                                                                 of how to properly calculate and report high
        ditors arrive, how to respond to their requests          school  FTE  according  to  both  statute  and
        while they are at your site, how to communi-             ADE  External  Guidelines.  Attendees  will
        cate with each other (we don’t all speak the
        same language) and how to learn from each                learn about the documents necessary and the
        other.  Other topics will include follow-up on           calculations of how to properly determine the
                                                                 number of courses for reporting a 1.0 FTE for
        findings, reviewing reports and final issuance           funding purposes.
        of audit reports.

                                                                 Presented  By:  Brian  Lockery  -  ADE
        Presented  By:  Ginger  Wischmann  -                     Audit Unit

        Flagstaff  Unified  School  District  &
        Michael  Lauzon  -  Heinfeld,  Meech  &
        Co., P.C.
                                                                 401: GoFund Fundraisers

                                                                 Many teachers, clubs, and teams are exploring
        201: The Art of Ethical Leadership
                                                                 creative means for fundraising. Crowd-Based
                                                                 fundraising  like  Go-Fund  Me,  Causes,  Do-
        Creating an environment of ethical standards             norChoose and other web-based fundraising
        is  essential  for  any  corporate  and  govern-         are becoming more popular. Is this allowable?
        mental organization. Knowing how to create               What rules  apply to  these  fundraisers? This
        this type of environment can be challenging              session will be a group discussion to identify

        however  by  applying  consistent  strategies            strategies,  procedures  and  best  practices  to
        concerning  decision  making  and  employee              consider for your district. Come prepared to
        relations, an ethical work environment can be            participate and share lessons learned!
        achieved. Learn the characteristics of an ethi-
        cal leadership environment and how you can               Presented By: Charlotte Gates and
        create your own.
                                                                 Lizette Huie-  Sahuarita Unified School
                                                                 District  & Karin Smith - Heinfeld,
               Presented By: Brian Mee -                         Meech, Co. P.C.
               Pendergast Elementary School
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