Page 5 - 2016 Winter Conference
P. 5
Winter Conference 2016
Breakout Session II Breakout Session II
102: Compliance Requirements for 302: The New OMB Uniform
Bond & Override Elections Guidance
Includes discussion of general, voter infor- The new OMB Uniform Guidance has gone
mation pamphlet, election communication, into effect and will have an impact on your
and reporting requirements related to school schools fiscal year 2015-16 audit. This ses-
district bond and override elections. Presenta- sion will cover the new threshold for single
tion will include examples of K-12 bond and audits, and changes with the schedule of ex-
override voter pamphlet tables, and review penditures of federal awards, the new cost
the Arizona statutory requirements. Attendees principles and internal control requirements.
will be asked to share election situation expe-
riences and given the opportunity to ask Ari- Presented By: Corey Arvizu- Heinfeld,
zona Bond/Election Counsel specific “Do’s Meech & Co., P.C.
and Don’ts” questions related to the election
402: Capital Assets, What You Need
Presented By: Randi Stein & Bryan To Know.
Lundberg – Stifel Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
Presentation will cover what is needed for
capital asset reporting on the AFR and for the
202: Purchasing Quotes, Quotes and audit report.
More Quotes
Presented By: CW Payne - Heinfeld
The Uniform System of Financial Records has Meech & Co., P.C. & Trish Lorenzen -
all the detailed requirements on how to be in West- MEC
compliance when obtaining quotes. This ses-
sion will talk about tips and secrets to make
the quote process a more efficient experience.
Bring your questions to the interactive pres-
Presented By: Lorinda El Aouita -
Stanfield Elementary School District &
Bill Munch - Valley Schools