Page 7 - 2016 Winter Conference
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Winter Conference 2016

                Breakout Session IV                                      Breakout Session IV

        104: Panel Discussion: Compliance                        304: How to Prepare and Survive an

                   and Processes with PTO/PTSO/                          Administrative Review of the
               PTA Activities                                            National School Lunch Program
                                                                         and School Breakfast Program
        This session will be a discussion of ways dis-
        tricts can effectively interact with parent sup-         The session will give guidance on how to plan
        port  organizations  and  groups,  like  booster         and prepare for the Administrative Review of
        clubs and PTSO’s. The highlights of this dis-            NSLP  and  SBP  from  the  perspective  of  an
        cussion will center around procedures, com-              expierenced school district Director of Child

        munication,  and  cross-education  between               Nutrition.  Attendees will learn about the re-
        these outside organizations and schools.                 sources and guidance available at the Depart-
                                                                 ment of Education and tips on how to survive

        Presented By: Melissa Higdon - Tavun                     the audit.

        Advisory Services, Linda Virgil - Peoria
        Unified School District, Courtney Pina                   Presented By: Sandra Schossow- Peoria
        - Agua Fria Union High School District,                  Unified School District
        & Heinfeld, Meech, & Co. P.C.

                                                                 404: State Reports What do you do

        204: Top “Audit Findings” From                                  with the BUDG and APOR
                Recent Audits                                            reports?

        This session will cover all the latest findings          What are you supposed to do with all those
        seen by auditors over the past year. Auditors            APOR  reports  and  the  Budg25  and  75?
        will share findings and suggestions for mak-             Where do the number come from and are
        ing  improvements  so  you  can  avoid  similar          you losing money?
        issues when your District goes through its an-
        nual audit.                                              Presented  By:  CW  Payne  -  Heinfeld,
                                                                 Meech  &  Co.  P.C.  &  Sharon  Grassi  -

        Presented By: Eugene Park - Heinfeld,                    Creighton Elementary School District
        Meech, & Co. P.C., Intro by Gary Bark-
        man - Mesa Public Schools
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