Page 6 - 2016 Winter Conference
P. 6
Winter Conference 2016
Breakout Session III Breakout Session III
103: Improving Compliance with 303: Affordable Care Act: Where Are
Centralized Student Registration We Now?
Is centralizing student registration right for The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Serv-
your school district? Learn how implementing ice (IRS) published a final rule implementing the Af-
centralized registration could improve audit fordable Care Act’s employer shared responsibility
penalty or “employer mandate” (IRC Section 4980H)
compliance and maximize funding. Central- on February 12, 2014. At this point, Districts with
izing is not a painless process! Gain insight on 50 or more employees must have a process in place
some of the trials and tribulations. to comply with the rule or they may be exposed to
significant penalties by the federal government. This
Presented By: Miriam Mahoney - session will provide additional depth on both of the
potential penalties under the rule along with exam-
Washington Elementary School District ples of the steps other Districts are taking for penalty
avoidance. The session will also discuss the methods
for compliance with rule along with your 6055 and
203: The USFR Compliance 6056 IRS reporting obligations, and will provide an
Questionnaire update on the future of the Affordable Care Act.
Presented By: Aaron L. Polkoski - Segal
The presentation’s main focus will be the
USFR Compliance Questionnaire Expendi- Consulting, Intro by Annette Moreno -
tures section related to purchasing and how Pendergast Elementary School District
school districts can meet audit requirements.
It will include sample forms and discuss best
practices, which will help illustrate the proc- 403: FLSA-Do you know the facts?
esses and procedures used by purchasing of-
ficials. The Department of Labor has been in the head-
lines recently regarding potential changes to the
Presented By: Eva Dino - Alhambra El- Fair Labor Standards Act. Has minimum wage
changed? Will the minimum salary eligible for
ementary School District & Adriana Za- overtime change? Has the definition of independ-
pata - Laveen Elementary School Dis- ent contractor changed? This session will update
trict you on these topics and more based on the cur-
rent status of potential change with the Fair Labor
Standards Act.
Presented By: Karin Smith - Heinfeld,
Meech & Co., P.C. & Ken Hicks - Peoria
Unified School District