Page 3 - 2021 Winter Conference
P. 3
-11:00 AM
101: Using the new USFR Compliance 102: Bond and Override Elections
Questionnaire Compliance - State and Federal
The USFR Compliance Questionnaire (CQ) has This session will cover State and Federal com-
a new look designed to help districts get more pliance requirements from the period leading up
from their CQ each year. Come hear more about to an election call through election day, including
how you can use the newly designed CQ to help use of exploratory committees, do’s and don’ts,
you establish and maintain strong controls and voter pamphlet requirements and more.
get fewer audit findings.
Speakers: Randie Stein - Stifel, Nicolaus &
Speakers: Chris Votroubek & Company, Inc. & Paul Gales - Greenberg Trau-
Paula Gustafson - Arizona Auditor General’s rig LLP & Nate Bowler - Glendale Union High
Office School District
Track: Accounting Track: Business Administration
103: THE ORIGINS OF COMPLIANCE 104: Keep Your Low-Hanging Fruit
Out of Auditor Reach: Compliant
It is no small feat to keep your school district
compliant with the many rules and regulations Procurement Tips for Purchases
required originating from any number of federal, Under $100,000
state or local sources. This session will explore
the origins of the various rules school districts The USFR says written quotes are generally
needed when cumulative purchases fall below
are required to adhere to and ways to access the $100,000 bid threshold. But what if you use a
the information. When an employee has a ques- cooperative contract? Are there other compliant
tion, are they knowledgeable as to the resourc- procurement options? This session will explore
es available and empowered to perform the re-
search to determine a solution? This session the various methods to make these informal
purchases, including multi-year quotes. You will
will provide the tools needed to keep your team come away with various best practices to make
on a path of compliance.
these purchases effective and efficient and make
all your procurement dreams come true.
Speakers: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld Meech &
Francie Wolfe-Baumann - Dysart Unified Speakers: Bill Munch - Valley Schools &
School District Lila McCleery & Irma Hernandez - Phoenix
Track: State/Federal
Union High School District
Track: Purchasing
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